DeGroot of All Evil

Interesting (mostly to me)
Calling Santa Fe a city is like calling Kenosha a city. Accurate, but strange.
I'm not really sure if it needs an A.V. Club outpost, as so few bands come through, though more are starting to trickle into Corazon.
Is this because the Arcade Fire successfully packed the convention center?

He doesn't just look like an alien, he looks like a robot designed to look like an alien. Uncanny Valley of Neptune.

Sounds like "Drunk History" to me.

More like Evangelical PIZZA household
Amiright Kenoshans? What's your favorite: Rufallo's 1, 2, or 3?

Ever see "Chairman of the Board"?
I bet they spelled it "Chairman of the Bored".

Maginpuri vs. Kirsten Dunst on a glyptodont.
Original sketches by Bernard Heuvelman, revised by Frank Darabont.

Cement sandwich?

The celebrity factor
The fun part about Masters was seeing these people that you know from their own television shows drop the act, like seeing Chiarello be a huge dick, or Bayless being maniacally the exact same as he is on his show. (Ming Sai on Next Iron Chef was pretty nuts too).
I'm just not that interested in

As a former pizzeria employee (for about 110 weeks), I can say that one never does get tired of pizza, but if you're older than your early 20s, you will gain weight.

Well… I did have to look up "sperglord", so thanks everybody.

For a minute I thought you guys were talking about "Mean Guns", the one where Ice T locks Lambert up with a bunch of other assassins. Also violent.

What about the phrase "bathroom of his Spanish villa" is demystifying? Bathroom of a Super 8 maybe, but Spanish villa, nope. Mystifying. I assume he only wears his Zardoz outfit in his Spanish villa.

YPU vs. Inherent Vice?

Honestly, it's latin for unfold vs. latin for made flat. The OED makes it clear that in most cases, including this one, they are synonymous. But you still have a choice of synonyms.

You can only tolerate inquiries into credible reports of anomalous animals if they're validated by the New Yorker?

Now now, hold on a second. I like River Monsters because he actually usually catches a giant fish. In the case of the river stingray, maybe the biggest ever. It still has the stupid investigations into obvious red herrings, but it's nowhere near as insulting as most of the crap Monster Quest or that Beast of Gevaudin


:::::D —_

Well, that doesn't make a lot of sense either. Little to do with how to judge his actions. It's like judging a toddler. See also, Antonia's comments.