Puke Drugs

Metallica, Guns N' Roses, Van Halen, shit… most of this I don't even like, but it's preferable to all this sad, sensitive bullshit. It was fun music, which is the whole point of rock n roll.

Just because they weren't as bad as some of their contemporaries doesn't mean they weren't bad in their own right. Jesus, I can't believe I had to explain that to you.

The Clash are garbage for people either too lazy to seek out new and exciting forms of rock n roll and punk or for young kids just finding out about punk beyond Green Day.

The same as Jason's, that just because something is guitar based and older doesn't mean that it's "classic rock." It's the same reason why I don't think old-school Metallica is "classic rock," although I'd be more comfortable with that than Collective Soul.
I'll also state that I don't think most Bob Dylan songs

Why? Would killing only a dozen Jews during WWII be okay because the Germans were killing them in the millions?

Yes, because I don't like two bands you like for some reason, I don't like anything. Totally reasonable leap in logic.

Nostalgia for a time in his life when he listened to classic rock, not nostalgia for the music that was popular when he was growing up. It's a key difference.

I'm not saying that they killed rock n roll by inspiration, but that they killed rock n roll by watering it down and changing it into something hedonistic and wild into something mopey and bland. The fact that they led to Creed, Nickleback, etc doesn't help though.

Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones have more in common than The Rolling Stones and Pearl Jam. Also, you spelled "align" wrong. 

I don't believe that it had to die sometime, BJA is worse than EV, but neither is the rightful heir to the rock gods of yore. And Marrk, it's the last uncontrived, fully organic rock n roll movements that you're aware of. I'd say that the rock movement spanning from the Gories and Oblivians in the early 90's and late

Man, I dislike Pearl Jam, but that's going too far. 

It's not actually a guitar. It's a guitar-shaped portable pantry and it's filled with Hormel chili and Little Debbie's.

Yep. Not a Clash fan either.

I'm guessing that she doesn't "believe" in a maneuver founded on God-less science that appears to mimic sodomy. 

Who then? They set the template.

I disagree. Pearl Jam with their "we're not rock stars, we're just regular guys" bullshit schtick killed it. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: sensitivity has no place in rock n roll.

Passionate about what? Saving the whales?

I think she's choking on vitriol. 

Complaint rock

It's depressing how so many of you missed the whole point of this article, especially considering how it was EXPLICITLY EXPLAINED IN THE ARTICLE ITSELF.