Puke Drugs

Last two goofballs: so this guy is the next Charles Dickens. Cool. Because as we all know, there was only one way to be poor in turn of the century England, and that was the Dickens way. Anyone that was actually from that time period and from actual poverty was either lying or not poor, and that's why no one bothered

Good points, Erection. I'm going to drop my original analogy of the extraterrestrial, and adopt this one in it's place: "Mr. Eminem, could you please enlighten us on growing up black in America?"

Ah, I see Steven got one of his friends to join in… OK, let's talk about "flimsy assumptions."
"…is an exaggerated version of a true story about his house getting
burglarized. In the song, Snider realizes he has more in common with the
criminal than the cops about to bust down his door, so he lets the guy
steal his car

Awww, Steven took the post where he divulged my identity and full name!

Nummy, that's exactly my point. I'd be willing to guess that this folk singer has never been poor in the conventional sense, i.e. before the 2008 crash that made everyone poor.

Fuckin' A, bro. I'm fucking pissed. RAWRRRRR!!!!

No, I fully understand that. I'm saying that voices of actual poverty
are almost never heard but we'll listen to someone do their best
impression of one, which is strange to me. Would you rather meet an
extraterrestrial, or have someone tell you about it?

It's interesting that a musician will be lauded for acknowledging poverty only if he speaks of it in a way that people untouched by "economic hardship" will understand, but if you're some ghetto rapper or dirty punk kid, the cultural literati will ignore you because your notion of poverty is different than the

Yeah, maybe. Shit like this always reminds me of the epilogue/acknowledgments at the end of Philly K Dick's "A Scanner Darkly." Punished beyond fairness for play.

I've got friends that were friends with him, and I know they miss him, but he died at a good age. I mean, does anyone want to see Jimmy Lee Lindsey Jr. shuffling out on stage in Branson in 2042 to sing his one hit song from that huge Disney blockbuster of 2018?

I love rock n roll, can't get into Marked Men, though. Never have been able to stomach them, they're too pop punk. Wax Museums are sorta interesting though. I saw that those bands on tour the night before (or possibly after) in Milwaukee, the Wax Museums were actually somehow better after taking like 3 or 4 years off.

Yep. Absolutely. Just look at that picture up top and try not to think about that story.

Oscar Night 2012: Sean Young heeling the collective shit of Hollywood down the shower drain

Yeah, that or anything else they deign to get their panties in a bunch over. The thing with Fox News is that over everything they're selling (fear, lifestyle, um, news?) their top product is belly-aching. Although Sean's article is funny as hell, getting upset and complaining about Fox News is exactly what they expect

Fox News is a conservative news organization and everything makes them incensed with impotent rage. You might as well just ignore it.

Why would anyone ruin their mind and body with drugs, why would someone eat spicy food, why would someone drive over the speed limit, why would someone like to be choked, why would someone read these comments, why why why

Um, "Wild at Heart?"

I thought OCP was responsible for the Robocop.

At the very least, Roky could instruct them on the fine art of being completely insane without being an asshole.

You should probably ask Netflix, not the AV Club.