Puke Drugs

Isn't that cute? The little potato-boy is as angry as a leprechaun that's lost his pot o' gold! I'd be in trouble if an Englishman ever taught him to fight!

I'd say that they're the same thing, just marketed towards different classes of the tasteless.

Ooooh! 5 foot tall guys with tiny freckled dicks just barely poking out of orange pubic hair that smells like sheep ass. Scary!

Meh. A life spent with Gwyneth Paltrow and a face full of sand are penance enough.

Radiohead is Radiohead for normal people. Coldplay is music for people that don't like music.

Bush had to wait until the whole "Bush is a terrible, soulless band" thing went away and a new crop of clueless consumers arose. New Bush albums are what happens when you forget history.

The toughest. I have a whole list of tough guy tips, and the first tip is to ALWAYS kick sand in Chris Martin's girly little face.

I'm not sure about calling Coldplay "good." What Staind is to Alice in Chains is what Coldplay is to U2. Namely, a poor copy of something that should have never existed in the first place. 

"kicking sand in Chris Martin's face may not longer be the best way to shore up your tough-guy, upturned-collar cred."
Hyden giving out tough guy tips! HILARIOUS. You guys, it's totally cool if you cry along to U2 songs. No one will think less of you as a man.

A lot of those were exposition explosions.


What the fuck are you talking aboot?

He's a safer version of Elmo.

They make David Allen Coe hallmark cards now? What for, like if your favorite NASCAR driver dies in a crash or if you get your daughter pregnant?

Good luck on your audition! Remember to relax the jaw!

Must have been one shallow vagina.

Really? I feel that your dads owe you an explanation.

"My wife is a slut."

You must mean a worthwhile award. I think there's something in his contract about MTV giving him an "award" every 6 weeks.

You mean this guy is going to be in a movie and he can't even grow his own hair? C'MON!!!!