Puke Drugs

Tom Petty? The race car driver?

Because it's an absolutely awful album title, no matter who uses it.

"It's a nice day outside, you're young and full of vitality, and there's a bunch of horny teenagers with stereotypical personalities making dumb decisions. Now turn off the boob tube and get to killing, and don't just start with the non-whites again. That's cliched."

You tell him that he'll have to make his own Final Chapter, and then you give him a machete and a mask and push his lazy ass out the door.

"Hey, c'mon guys! We're a team! We should all get along! Why is no one listening to me?" -Kirk Hammett

"That's what I look like 25 years from now?!?!?! Why am I playing guitar with Aunt May?"

Dr. Phil of all fucking people. Jesus, dudes, put away your labia, you're grossing us out.

Human Eye/Timmy's Organism, Red Mass, Intelligence, Terrible Twos, Liquor Store, Tyvek, I dunno, there's a lot more…

They did. It's called "Yeah Buddy" and it's had a stranglehold on my turntable, as well as the turntables of several friends around me for two months now. Which is to say it's fucking awesome.

And she beat up Larry David!

…and that I've yet to hear a Tea Party candidate that can form coherent sentences verbally, let alone with one a dem confusing ink pens what needs to be clicked for you can right with it.

Yeah, strange that a joke would be silly, asshole.

Not in Rosie O'Donnell numbers.

Well, that and not being very funny. I mean, no one hates Roseanne (but maybe they should.)

It's not meant to be taken out of the packaging.

She's sneaking up on a eclair. 

And that's because as a population they went to college in the 60's and 70's when it was affordable and an effective way to become employed. Plus, you can have all the education one could ever have, but it's squandered if you still view Fox as a reliable news source.

Sorry, I should have said "he can't be a Tea Partier, he cares about something other than himself."

He can't be a Tea Partier. He can read.

I think Steven is trying to make the point that in this day and age of every single popular indie group flying their Urban Outfitters-purchased freak flag, just making unpretentious, catchy, straight-up pop rock is "daring" (although he probably should have used the word "refreshing.")
Obviously, if you find this type