Six Foot Wiener

If Walt had managed to get a sniper rifle instead of a car bomb, or if Walt was waiting in the garage ready to run him over with his car, Gus would be dead right now. I don't mind Gus figuring out that he should be cautious, but knowing it is the car is still superhuman.

Then they better damn well show that car bomb going off.

Mike's been omnipotent the whole time and everyone loves him.

Walt saving himself and becoming a master criminal with science is why I started watching the show. It is cheesy, but it's better than some serious, boring, slow-burn show about how being a criminal will ruin your life. I've seen that cable drama too many times already.

I remember Bible Stories as when I stopped watching The Simpsons on Fox, and only watched syndicated episodes and DVDs since then.

At Family Guy, or at Dane Cook?

They could have done it really Family-Guy style by having Peter try to cannonball into the money, squashing his balls instead of just injuring himself in a non-testicle related fashion, and then yelling "ow my balls" for several minutes. I really don't think DuckTales would go with testicular humor.

Really, how couldn't they mention Earth 2? For a few months, Earth 2 was my favorite television show.

Oh my god I'm missing Monday Night Football!

Will Skylar ever realize what she's done? She had her pride and paranoia get to her, so she wastes a ton of money and gets a guy killed (through some Fargo-like circumstances). Will she ever be able to admit to herself or Walt what a horrible hypocrite and amateur crook she's been, or will Gus kill her first?

You are pathetic.

I do see last season as better than this one, so the grades make sense to me.

With all of the stuff with Skylar and the slapstick fall, Breaking Bad was lucky to get an A-. It might be the best drama on television right now, but it's not the greatest thing ever. I cannot fault the reviewers for having some perspective.

If they kill Mike, it'll be the first time the show really amazes me this season.

If the AV Club was a football team, there would already be a website for firing Hayden.

As long as it is worse than one other thing on at the same time, or worse than the several hours of recorded television a DVR or on-demand user can stand watching each week, it doesn't matter how much crap is worse than The Simpsons. It's still not worth watching.

There's clearly only one hand on the keyboard.

Tighter than dickskin? That doesn't even make sense.

But they didn't earn the bum sex scene. They didn't EARN it! They really should have earned it first! Doesn't everyone know how to earn a scene of gay bum sex?!?

Dennis vomited and Dee squirted blood.