Six Foot Wiener

I think the writer is claiming to be wrong about Dennis having his shirt off in two minutes, because it actually took 3 minutes. Basically, she's saying she predicted everything.

Her name is "Judy Greer…sigh".

I spend my weekends digging in forests for corpses. It's just a hobby.

Everyone I know thinks that Moon and Antarctica is the best record they made.

Why is a "hook" considered a good thing for a song to have? I'm not exactly sure what a hook is - I don't think it has any actual objective meaning - but whenever someone tells me that a song has a really good hook, it just turns out that the song is annoying.

Beavis and Butthead loved Ween.

I didn't like those songs when I was 13. Not everything thinks exactly the same way as you.

Anyone who ever made any bad music owes me money. That's my right as a consumer.

Even if they're specifically asked to mention popular songs, with full permission to say they hate them, AV Club editors are reluctant to actually mention music you might be able to recognize. You should consider yourself lucky that you can remember "What It's Like".

I'd like to puke all over Paula Abdul's Mediterranean area!

That explains it!

I've seen recent Parks & Rec, and I don't like it. It was just never funny to me. I don't really know why. Really, can you be so surprised that other people might have a difference sense of humor than you? The thing I cannot grasp is why anyone would think that the particular shows they like need or deserve universal

There are two kinds of people in the world: people who categorize everyone into a few arbitrary groups, and people with more than half a brain.

My wife usually uses "pussy".

This is the comment section, not the article section.

The guy thinks that naming an ice-cream after a childish joke is maybe not such a great idea, because if it succeeds we'll just have to deal with 100s of copycats, so that immediately makes him a right-wing nut, right?

Don't dislocate your shoulder.

So, you're saying gay men don't have DNA?

Yeah, I always judge the quality of television shows by the size of the apartment, because I am a moron like you.

I doubt Louie would call himself the best actor in anything. Who cares about awards anyway?