Six Foot Wiener

No, there are way too many people who like that version of Robin Williams.

It's full of country goodness and green peaness.

Well, when I heard Cartman's rant about Family Guy, I thought that, if he was meant to be describing South Park's sense of humor, he was completely wrong. So, if Cartman is always supposed to be wrong, it still works, though that means the South Park writers agree with me that most of their jokes are just like Family

I don't care who the actors were. I'm not going to laugh just because I recognize a guest star, unless maybe that guest is David Letterman or someone else that you never see. It just wasn't nearly as funny as a regular episode of this show. It doesn't make it an atrocity, but it doesn't make it funny either.

I'm a Home Improvement Al fetishist. Will I enjoy this show?

Max is the biggest hipster on the show, and I don't think she realizes it.
Anyway, this show is only worth watching because Kat Dennings is the sexiest actress on television. I just wish she played a mute.

Don't you don't you want to thrill me
Don't you be afraid to tell me
Tell me if you think it's ugly
But now don't you want to touch it anyway

You think it was funnier when it came back, which makes you a frat-boy moron.

Your movies were both terrible.

I don't think Gus will have anything close to a military background. Young Gus from the flashback is not a military man. He is a young, naive businessman. My guess is he is supposed to be from a very wealthy family that moved to Chile. He family probably ran a business that had its legal side and its illegal side,

Yes, I don't want a flashback, but it would be nice if Hank could go into a monologue about who Gus was.
Anyway, if a cartel leader was afraid to kill Gus, that means Walt is in some serious trouble now. There has to be someone out there who is very powerful and willing to retaliate. When we meet that person, we'll get

Considering how Mike appears to prefer to be employed rather than in charge, I'll figure he will blackmail Walt into paying him to do various things with the pretense of keeping him safe. And Walt will have to cook to keep Mike paid. A new gang should move into town. I'm thinking a different ethnicity than Mexicans or

If you like watching a show with a father who can compete with Walt for having no redeemable qualities, watch the British Shameless from the beginning. It eventually gets much worse than its original quality, but you'll be able to watch dozens of hours of quality television before it gets there, and it's still

Walt is convincing because he was right. There is still no believable way that he stole the ricin cig from Jesse. Even if Huell was capable, and he's been a buffoon in every scene so far, it makes no sense that he could have gotten Saul and Huell to help him do it. Unless you can freeze-frame him lifting the packet

I never had twenty bucks.

Tony and Dexter are both living out people's fantasies. We make gods out of mob bosses and serial killers. Walt is a nerd who is married to a controlling hag and who makes drugs for some other guys who get to do the glamorous stuff - look at how much the community has idolized Gus and Mike. I don't think it's any

The women stink, that's why.

Mike is a smug assshole, and the writers made him a geriatric action hero criminal. He's my second vote, after Skylar.

The guy he responded to is still a douchebag.

It's just never funny again.