Six Foot Wiener

Jealousy is ugly.

So, at the end of the season, Walter and Gus will trade faces?

We're all huge Tim Whatley fans here.

I thought this was horrible too. There was something about the titles and the music that made it all seem like an amateur documentary. Half the story was told with fake new reports that didn't really sound like news reporters spoken over videos that did not really look like new reports. Many other scenes were just

Every music question basically turns into: "Name some obscure bands that almost nobody ever heard about." I'm glad one person was willing to go against that trend and mention Cake, even though I believe that Cake was probably just a littler bit bigger than they ever deserved to be. It's easy to pick some band that's

Yes, that sample song is god-awful.

No, it was "The Marriage Ref"

Most of you AV Club guys will hate me for this, but I despise Lizzy Caplan. She seems like the sort of girl hipster douchebags fantasize about, but who is never capable of generating real emotion about a normal human being without the aid of narcotics.

You disgust me.

I thought, given Todd's request, this really was supposed to be something like "The Aristocrats!"

A stopped clock is right twice a day.

Sorry, but you have revealed that your opinion about television has no credibility.

I heard Mario Lopez can only get it up when he's got his tongue in a pig's ass. Once he gets it up, he has to repeatedly slam his penis in a door until it swells up to something that appears to be a lumpy plum. Then he humps a fist-full of week-old banana peels and toothpaste until his semen slowly drips out into the

The show also relies on the guests being jerks. How many stare-downs have there been on this show over the years? Every one of them is someone who lied directly to Larry's face. The strange thing is, Larry is usually willing to let people know what he's thinking, but, when someone completely stops being honest with

You made me smile.

What does she have to do? If the grades don't matter, she could just not give out grades. Or just give an A every time. It's not like many of the people here would complain about that.

When they were both catching their breath on the floor, I thought that Walter thought that the fight was over. He didn't really want to do too much damage to Jesse. But Jesse looked like he wanted to kill Walt.

You're right, we haven't seen anything as bad as Fly this season.

I'd like to see Walt kill Skylar and move in with Jesse's ex girlfriend, while Jesse builds a new life in Mexico. That's as happy as the ending could get for me.

In order to cover up getting his ass kicked, Walt might get into a car accident on purpose.