Six Foot Wiener

It is overlaid with dog barks because Wilfred is in an animal hospital. When Wilfred the man is shouting, Wilfred the dog is barking. When one dog barks in an animal hospital, it makes a whole bunch the other dogs bark in response. Put your bong down and leave the basement so you can follow a simple comedy about a

Shouldn't the staff be above feeding the trolls?

Now that I think more about it, the writers should be deeply ashamed about what they've used for joke material.

Hey, I know that guy! My nine-year-old cousin says that he does an awesome elephant impression.

Nice breasts, you say? I missed the rest of what you were talking about.

I can't figure out if that was a quote from The Informant!

Scribble Lesbo Seinfeld on a sheet of paper and get it done.

How do I flag this article?

My mother was raped while waiting for a table at a Chinese restaurant, so they should take that one off the air too.

Chad wants to be called Ochocinco, and that's what it says on his jersey. This website bans users for questioning whether a person should have to the right to choose whether to be called he or she, but apparently has no respect for someone who just wants a different last name.

More than Craig James and Joe Theismann? Wow.

Wow, her parents have really ruined her political career.

I know the middle names of a few women, and none of those match. No matter how many stand-up comedians do it, over-generalizing isn't funny.

Nothing makes me think about school cafeteria food more than tater tots.

I blame it all on Pepe Le Pew.

Three Law & Orders?

Local News Cliche - The QB Controversy
Conan aired footage of the star player, Chad Henne, quarterback of the Miami Dolphins, the day after he was benched. It's the Conan curse!

Charlyne's a little cute, but if you hang around a mall in China, nine out of ten women her age will be cuter than her. So, Yi is a one on the Chinese cuteness scale.

When a girl's face is that ugly, she has to compensate somehow. Overall, though, this show actually has decent-looking women, so I don't think they copied Jersey Shore properly.

This comment gets my highest rating: 7 out of 10.