Six Foot Wiener

Today's Outsourced was the worst ever, a new low from last week's insult, and so I will never try to defend it again. All of you hipsters were right, and I was stupid.

I cannot relate to anyone on Modern Family. Those people do not seem like anyone I actually know. Their personalities are not human, as far as I can tell.

I don't mind "cultural learnings", as long as they don't sound like someone's homework. Not every piece of written material needs to have a thesis statement. In my opinion, those reviews are of the cookie-cutter variety.

I jerked off 12 times in one day, just to see if I could.

From reading these boards, I can tell that everyone on Internet forums are intelligent, knowledge folk, especially the drug users. So, I'm sure if I read up, my balls will be just fine.

I wish I were a hipster. That would be awesome.

There are going to be physical differences between the tranny brain and the standard, healthy brain because trannies do have different thoughts, and thoughts are all physical, in the end. Detecting these differences does not shed much light on how they arose. Those physical differences do not in any way mean that the

Why limit the mocking to "fake Aspies"?

Oh no
"another world where everyone lives in a mansion after death"

Outsourced isn't that bad, but this one is
Outsourced deserves slightly better treatment than I think Todd gives it, but this episode was absolute garbage. It wasn't funny at all, and the party just made me cringe with its television sitcom blandness. It's too early in the show for fan service. It's nice to see them

A dog poop bag on fire is twice as funny in the mall.

Yeah, why are so many terrorists played by Indians?

I know. I hate the American douchebag manager. He's the worst character on the show. The rest of them are sort of funny in generic sitcom ways. I don't buy the xenophobia. These characters and situations have all been watered down. They could be much more exploitative about all the things Americans would laugh about

I don't think any of the folks who say you'd be smarter would keep drilling after they got through the skull.

I'm trying to think of some joke about how to get four Jennifer Conellys to sit on a stool, but I've got nothing.

Yes, I had an elaborately decorated house for five Halloweens or so.

I spend my whole life working to one day own a glass house, I finally get a nice glass house, with a view, and good school system, and then I find out there's all this shit I can't do - what a rip off!

What, were there no sports? Admit it. It was only awesome in a gay way.

This is the first episode of Glee that got the right grade. Bravo!

Try Ken Jeong. He'll be in any awful television show.