Six Foot Wiener

What's their slogan?

It's funny cause black people are not human.

Where's the cleavage?
If you're going to make a movie about a fat girl running around in a corset, couldn't you at least find someone with at least a foot of cleavage to ogle?

I'm not drinking any warm wall beer.

Scumbag Carnival is another great band name.

Everyone knows, trashy shows use tits to distract the audience. Real art prefers full frontal male nudity.

I asked my wife if I should shave it off. She asked if I was gay.

The mood shifts, but I didn't really feel let down until the last season.

The British version of Shameless is one of the best shows ever. If you haven't seen it, watch it as soon as you can. Dexter is a decent way to pass the time, but Shameless is art.

How could you? Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain What's-his-name? We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well, I didn't hear anybody laughing! Did you? Except at that guy who made sound effects…

Here's The Situation
I have tried to watch Bored to Death three times, and I can confirm now that it has no redeeming qualities. Jersey Shore is better than this show in every possible way.

Why can't the dwarfs be played by real dwarfs? This is like that Airbender bullshit.

Liam may tower over Mel, but I hear Mel has more girth.

I'm sure he'll just play some creepy guy with a mid-life crisis, living in Bangkok for all the cheap whores.


I remember that time Chris Farley did those interviews. That was awesome!

A think a beard is never entered.

I don't live in public. I can go pantsless all day, and nobody cares.

Only one character turned me off enough, as an anti-hero, to ruin his movie: Bruce Almighty. He must have killed thousands of people (the moon thing and Chinese earthquakes) and granted all kinds of sick prayers in his brief stint as God.

Where are the real anti-heroes?