
True. But it's not his time yet. There are still many Werewolf Bar Mitzvah's he needs to MC.

Interestingly, it was the Alf pogs that was the weird penis euphemism, not the Mentos.

What can I get for half a pack of Mentos and a few Alf pogs?

They definitley have that Dylan McDermott/Dermot Mulroney thing going on, don't they?

Adele Nazeem better play this part, and not that hack Idina Menzel.

Koogler definitley has franchise potential.

That's kind of cool. I bet your home office looks like a Wes Anderson set.

I remember sitting in the theater, and when I heard that word, I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Ha, nah. It was my lame attempt at a joke. That said, I kind of want to run the OS now and see what happens. I think YouTube alone will make it explode.

I'm still running a vintage Windows 95. It's authentic, so it helps impress the ladies.


That burro will be an Emmy contender, for sure.

I hope he gets caught romantically holding Leonardo DiCaprio's hand.

I hear Buttcrack Montana is beautiful this time of year.

facebook login and password would also be nice.

Really? I thought On-demand had every worthwhile show all ready to go negating the need for a DVR. I'll have to give it another look.

This is why I am curious.

I would give up lunch every day just to afford HBO. I need My GoT and EB&D feexins.

Quick incredibly personal poll… how much do you make, and what is your favorite show? (Also - list your age)

It may sound strange, given she is a fictional character and what-not, but I want to protect April from any and all harm that could come her way. Has there been a more pleasant person in TV history?