
Kudos on the Bush joke. That is all.

I knew a guy who freebased Tony awards. Now he just wanders the neighborhood randomly shouting lyrics to Cabaret.

I held my mother's hand (my sister held her other) as she passed. It was without question the most profound moment of my life. I can only imagine that if I ever witness the birth of my child, it will be as equally profound.

A Tina Fey vanity card would be far more hilarious too.

Why can't Tina Fey just make all the shows on every network?

There would be no Band of Horses, Lumineers, Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe, etc. if it weren't for the brilliance of Funeral. Hipsters, Trustafarians, and the indie crowd have an easy target with AF, what with their Grmamy win and all, but in the end, they make superior music.
I agree that it is difficlut to make good

Were they stunt-nuts, or the real thing?

Abbot & Costello or GTFO.

I want to see sequels to Airborne and Empire Records. Those rad 90's kids in a contemporary setting? Count me in. Seth Green, Jack Black and Liv Tyler? Sold.

You're right. it was Limbo.

What's everyone think? Should we remain cautiously optimistic on this one?

A: I stepped on Abed's DVD
T: Why would you do that?!?!
A: I was dusting.
(that exchange made the episode for me)