Thou Art Garfunkel

The crux of the joke was the notion that what you described is "juicy" or taboo, by referencing the not-uncommon practice of ascribing a taboo habit or personal problem to a "friend" in the context of seeking advice/input. Not a serious accusation.

True story - I upvoted both sirslubs and Hobbes' comments because I thought I agreed with slubs but then realized I actually agree with Hobbes more.

A lot of the heavyweights have already been mentioned, but:
Walkabout (1971)
Summerfield (1977)
Long Weekend (1978)
Bad Boy Bubby (1994) - hard to forget, if not for all tastes

Yeah, the ol' "This friend of mine…" template remains the gold standard for reaping the inherent catharsis of public dirty laundry airing while skirting the humiliation of direct association

My goodness, the lil' cherub in the article still has exquisite neck posture! I can picture his overbearing stage mom making him practice his "neck rows" upright against his bedroom wall for hours on end. "Ya wanna get ahead in this world doncha Jimmy? People respect a good neck!" Still, with "forward neck" being the

In the world of dividing up all the Skittles in a given bag by color cuz purple is your favorite and ya like to save those for last, it's extremely difficult to make a living chasing that dream

In the comments section for the "Neighbors" review someone mentioned that eventually people were going to have to stop being surprised by a good Efron performance and just accept that he's just a very capable actor. Ditto for Tatum.

Well, for starters he didn't do that, so there's that I guess.

How are you seeing this movie
How are you singing along?
I hope you're not pirating movies
Cuz pirating movies is wrong (It's just wrong)

Because Buress looks about 35 and Franco looks about college sophomore?

I fully agree with your general sentiment but isn't this sort of disingenuous in the sense of, like, didn't you grow annoyed, steadily more annoyed, and then finally defeatedly apathetic toward this bullshit out-of-league spouse trope WAY before this particular flick? The wife on King of Queens et al.

I dropped it before being inducted as a full Brother but I rushed Lamba Chi for essentially a whole semester and that really was the gist of my experience

I'm having a blast picturing this ironic scenario wherein you finally get fed up to the point you march over on some friday night to "show em how it's done", which, through no fault of your own but on account of their inherent lameness, collectively creeps them out and leads to whisperings of you being genuinely

Because when you hit 30 you are RAKIN IT IN no matter what you've got goin on!

DId it occur to you maybe Dowd is insinuating the relatively tame depiction seems bizarrely incongruous/unambitious in the context of an ostensible high octane comedy romp? If ever a film called for a depiction of frat life that's "Beginning of Transformers 2 and then some" , I would think it would be one with this

Or "As a general rule…" for that matter! hehe~

I vaguely recollect some self-shot youtube footage of Gervais and Louis CK on some flight en route to some thing and the painfully awkward and non-witty nature of their banter and general rapport. It would have been so much easier to revel in hating it wholesale had it just been Gervais solo with a camcorder pointed

Same actually. You shouldn't read anything into my followup remark, it was more from a misplaced sense of obligation to up the snark or whatever than anything else. Saul Goodman!

Yes indeed-y! Clearly attributable to the permissive good will inherent in being an established AVC presence. Even your ostensible supporters are at a loss as to what's up your ass with regard to that particular phrase—though they wouldn't DARE proclaim it!

What a crock! No AVC patron has ever partaken in Greek life.