Thou Art Garfunkel

(Whispering to fellow bystander, with eyes afixed on Todd) That Todd is such a dumbfuck right now…

Yeah, if only there was a movie-centric internet database from which one could instantly conjure a comprehensive list of every project this Wingard guy has been involved with to date and pick items of personal interest accordingly instead of relying on avclub regular Flamingwombat.

Boy, you really showed ME! Or, rather, you've obnoxiously over-scrutinized what is clearly a fairly generalized humorous remark (e.g. your pedantic nitpickery of "galactic toy guns" - I can practically smell the hot pockets on your breath) that I happened to make on a movie that admittedly isn't the best springboard

Golly Bill - what gave me away as a social reject with no romantic prospects? Was it the complete sentences, or the implied non-affinity for interchangeable run n' gun sci-action blockbuster thrill rides? I'm usually so careful…goes to show you can't fool everyone!

Is that a question!

Aww cmon "guest"! Step out of the shadows and give us a carefully-considered handle to associate with your ostensible support of the "opposition" over myself, like a real man/man-lady! hehe

Why no I haven't, BurntOrangeBoy! And while I'm nearly postive that sentiment is unfairly dismissive in this particular case—this DOES indeed seem smarter and more engaging than the average megabudget sci-fi/actioner thrill ride—I DO think it's pretty legitimate a great deal of the time (e.g. Eckhart/Wahlberg's "work"

I know it's kind of dismissive but I can't help but laugh when I see talk of the actors' "work" in a production like this. Oh, like how well they played dress up and held big galactic toy guns? Yeah, they did that flawlessly here.

It's a popular recent Italian film that goes by the English title "The Great Beauty". It claimed Best Foreign Language Film at this year's Oscars and was released on video in the U.S. via CRITERION, so folks be all up on its nuts. I'll get to it eventually but not really a priority. Though I did really like the

Ah, gotcha. As you can see my knowledge of VPNs is not up to snuff. Though for my own sake it really is something I should look into soon. wink-wink

Truth! Though I think a reasonable case that being busted over illegally acquired Hentai porn is possibly worse could be made.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I've had a real blast tallying up all the "Who the hell torrents Big Bang Theory?" posts. Seriously, it's up to like 18 now.

How big is your dorm? Have you had to deal with the whole "pretend to cop Z's while my more attractive roommate gets his fuck on" thing yet?

This occurred to me too, and I'll bet the answer is a big fat no, but it's just a baseless hunch.

The legitimate non-snarky answer is that with streaming services it's "here today, gone tomorrow" where as a pirated copy is a permanent copy which can be converted to any format for use on anything anywhere. So, for BBT mega fans, misguided as they may be, it makes perfect sense, moral issues aside.

That's more like fantastic than simply not terrible, but then I'm a "Child of Cox" so anything internet-related that's merely the latter will seem like the former through my eyes…

I know right, it's almost as irritating as a baseless kneejerk assumption that anyone who casually remarks on their disinterest in something hugely popular is trying to come off as cool and edgy

Yeah, definitely a thing, that. Though Citadel is actually a convergence of two (primarily) British subgenres that have been highly prolific of late - the aforementioned "hoodie horror" and the somewhat more vague "tower black" stuff.
Others that fall under one or both:
Ils (aka Them)
F (aka The Expelled)

Regardless of one's thoughts on whether or not this constitutes plagiarism or on True Detective's quality and relevance as a show, those two concepts are entirely seperate and need to be considered accordingly. Whether True Detective were a total hack job or the lauded critical darling it in fact is, plagiarism is

Hahaha! Oh boy!