Thou Art Garfunkel

Yeah, the ol' "Disingenuously imply that there is universal disdain for a term/phrase which constitutes an arbitrary personal pet peeve" template is always good for a solid 1-4 likes.

Were the genders reversed but the scenario otherwise the same, would you be singing this same song? Really take a long look inside yourself (eww—this afternoon's granola~!) and answer honestly. Would this article even exist? And if it did exist, but instead as an irritatingly verbose treatise with the central

"…and a reminder that when a *woman* says no, the conversation is over"

An utterly selfless act! Hahaha!

Why so disingenuous? What Harry Palm is obviously getting at, albeit with much hyperbole, is that a LOT of this film's favorable reception and overall mystique can be attributed to Ledger's passing. Would people still have gone nuts for it sans shitty hotel room OD? Yeah, of course, but it wouldn't have been quite THE

Gosh, why do I have the unshakable suspicion I wouldn't be such a "bore" or "more interested in analyzing people's comments on a film than enjoying said film" if I'd expressed agreement with your comments or directly contributed to this exhilarating round of "Stuff characters in this movie said"? I guess I'll go

Well, it's not like I'd expect you to respond favorably to a sardonic remark made at your expense. You were obviously quoting the line as an example of Eckhart's "superb" performance/its contribution to the ending's "pathos". I found the quote cheesy and superfluous. Not in this specific case but in the general sense

Note that I didn't touch on the merits of that argument. I was just addressing this absurd (and ironic, considering the accusations of revisionism re: TDK evaluation) notion that complaints about the film's darkness and general self-seriousness are some kind of exclusively recent phenomenon born of fashion. Likewise

Yup, that's a quote from the movie, alright!

Well there's the whole business about his arc being comically rushed and less than wholly convincing, for starters.

How is that a new complaint? Folks were complaining about TDK's darkness relative to its superhero brethren from day one…