
In the theme song, it can be interrupted as someone JUMPING OUT OF A WINDOW. (Not from this season per se, but I see it being mentioned everywhere that someone eventually has to throw themselves out of a window because of this, so I'm counting it!)

Don't forget the identity fraud! (Which I'm sure includes minor check fraud as a side effect.)

Don't forget the identity fraud! (Which I'm sure includes minor check fraud as a side effect.)

He was killed in Sherlock Holmes 2 as well (supposedly~). Even though that took place in late December, that still makes it 3 death scenes for Jared Harris in the last six months.

He was killed in Sherlock Holmes 2 as well (supposedly~). Even though that took place in late December, that still makes it 3 death scenes for Jared Harris in the last six months.

But what if it's EXCITING? You don't wanna miss those high-tension trades!!! WAR ROOM!

Last time the Giants were the Superbowl Champs, and I watched the entire first round for them, and I feel like it went really quickly? I don't know if it was because I just enjoyed the fact that every other team was in front of them,and therefore did worse, or if it was because back then the draft was in the

Yeah. Most nights I would watch a 30 Rock live episode, but I'm totally watching the draft tonight instead. Because even though both events are live, only one really requires you watch it as it happens.

NBC is hoping to get some NFL Draft synergy!~

I was so confused about who Jess was at first and why we cared so much about her return, then I realized you were talking about Jesus. That being said, can you imagine if Zooey Deschanel's character from New Girl was the second coming?

Part of me wishes Parks & Rec did their debate episode live, just like that godawful episode of TWW.

Nobody's going to watch that. Only 6 or 7 million people across two channels.

True. But still… it's sadly amusing.

Speaking of Faye Dunaway films, Network is actually my go-to comfort film.

I think that the other live television event in New York tonight, the NFL Draft, has a pretty good shot of killing 30 Rock's live episode in the ratings.

She was the Nottie in Hottie & The Nottie though!!!!!!

I have watched every episode of Whitney (weirdly), and while I will say it has improved, there are still many, many flaws. Mainly with their characterization of everyone who isn't Whitney.

Remember when AV Club said that this year's season finale of Whitney was likely going to be the series finale? And then as soon as they said that, it became increasingly clear that probably wasn't going to be the case as Up All Night continued to struggle post-The Office?

There's a print edition of the AV Club?

This show is the only thing on at 5 A.M., and because of that I feel like I have seen a decent amount of its run in the past year. Yet, I still can not tell you the names of the neighbors.