
@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus Nic Cage's career seems to be a testament that actors can rise or fall to their material.

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus I didn't mean to imply that the actors weren't getting parts because Community is bad. What I meant to say was that considering how buzzed about Community is in some (namely online) circles, I'm amazed nobody has tried to offer any of its non-established stars (aka not

Is it going to have 5,000 meta references to Two and a Half Men? Will Ashton Kutcher guest star, emerging naked out of the ashes?

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus I figure time will tell when it comes to those unknown actors, as maybe post-Community they will do films/other TV spots/etc that really kind of prove how much of Community was them, and how much is the writing. Like between this and the Hangover films, it's pretty easy

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus Thanks! Especially for not implying that I was an asshole with bad taste just because I do not fervently adore the show. (I do like it though, I found both Remedial Chaos and the Heart of Darkness riffing episode to be very well done. I  do sometimes wonder if it's parts

@olivececile:disqus Her first major role was on a Nickelodeon sitcom, so I imagine she's used to working with humor that is not exactly her speed. I imagine she's professional though, because she still makes the rounds on those shows.
(Actually, Nickelodeon seems to REALLY love her. At one point, before Community, they

There was a cover article in Entertainment Weekly a few years back (2010?), that was all about how hard it is for people to get in touch with Bill Murray, and how it makes it REALLY difficult to get him to do a project.

But is it the actors elevating the material or the material bringing the most out of the actors?

He was clearly supposed to be the co-lead when they pitched this to him, and clearly he is not CLOSE to being that anymore, so I feel like it's really easy to see why Chevy is so pissed.

The second episode of the show, with the Spanish presentation, was all about Pierce, and how he just wants to connect with people again and views Jeff as an impetus to that and etc etc.

Does Jeff care about people now? Community has never made that clear. What I think they should do is have six episodes in a row where they blatantly point that out.

You just perfectly described why I can't become as invested in Community as I feel like the universe is telling me I should be. Thanks.

If you pair that up with the "Weiner & The Dick" show that someone came up with last week , wherein Matthew Weiner and David "The Dick" Simon solve crimes, you might have the beginnings of a really solid television block.

It's so hard to imagine Yvette hating anyone! (Though I do remember reading an interview where she talked about how she wasn't happy about Chang/Shirley in the Halloween episode.)

Maybe if Chevy Chase invested in a good set of hair plugs like Joel did, he could be handsome…

Wasn't he supposed to be a co-lead or something originally? I remember when the casting for this came out, it was Joel and Chevy being announced at the same time. And then, the second episode was all about the "friendship" between Jeff & Pierce. Maybe he's pissed his role got more diminished? I don't know.

I never knew there was that people pretending to have Aspergers was a thing. I'm really glad I visited this article on the AV Club and learned about it.


Did you miss the article where Dan Harmon got into a douche-off with Chevy Chase and the only winner was nobody?