
Well, between the title of the episode and the screenshot I got really excited because I really thought it meant that this was the week were Derek died and the internet broke. But it isn't. You damn fooled me, LaToya. Friendship :(

LaToya, the fact that there was no Derek Hale Farewell Tour alert in this review was very upsetting to me because I need to know when I have to watch Teen Wolf again so I can watch Derek Hale die and Tumblr implode in the Hoechpocalypse. This is what matters. Not like actual critical analysis. Just: DID DEREK DIE ON

The meltdown was glorious. Glorious.

If this is Tyler Hoechlin's last season on the show, I hope the world gives me the day off when he announces it so I can see the Tumblr meltdown. I still laugh and laugh and laugh (and laugh) over that time when Tyler H changed his Twitter bio and parts of the internet melted down. Ahh, the Hoechpocalypse.

The biggest lie in this episode was that any self-respecting New York Giants fan would be SO THRILLED to see Tiki Barber.

You gotta start while episode 6 is airing during a marathon because shit gets real confusing real fast. Asgard!

Also Ingrid should join the Avengers!

I forgot about Asgard. And TVDW dying when he went to Vox.

God, I didn't even realize this show was back. Last year I couldn't escape all the promos for season 3.

Doesn't make it less weird.

He's definitely drunk 100% of the time if that desert promo actually MEANT anything. (And obviously, it meant everything.)

I just don't get the point of any of the conversations Charlie had with Sloan, or as he bizarrely likes to call her: Money Skirt.

Secret Life of the American Teenagers had 100 episodes making that the first ABC Family series to hit 100 episodes. Melissa & Joey would be second when it hit that milestone. I don't know why I care about this.

I know someone whose favorite comedy is the Jim Carrey version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The best part is he considers himself a film conessieur.

I know someone whose favorite comedy is the Jim Carrey version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The best part is he considers himself a film conessieur.

The book ending (the one that happened pre-TV show, not the one they released afterwards to capitalize on Blair/Chuck) was great! No Gossip Girl! Blair off to Yale w/ her agency in tact!

The book ending (the one that happened pre-TV show, not the one they released afterwards to capitalize on Blair/Chuck) was great! No Gossip Girl! Blair off to Yale w/ her agency in tact!

As someone who read all the books in middle school, I will forever be upset that Chuck never had a monkey on the show.

As someone who read all the books in middle school, I will forever be upset that Chuck never had a monkey on the show.