Dixie Normous

Another thing I noticed the past two weeks that's already annoying is the NICENESS of these judges.  I actually had a hard time figuring out who was in the bottom and who was in the top during the critiques.  If they're going to judge, I want to see blood dripping from their fangs.  I want to see tears.  I want Heidi,

I really thought Austin's dress looked like a home ec project.  The tulle looked like an afterthought and I had to do an eye roll when they adjusted the tulle over the model's right boob.  Puh-lease!  Mondo got the shaft.

I thought the dress was awful.  It looked to me like she was going to do some pea-picking right before the big barn dance.  That dress was made for a hoe-down, not the opera.

Gordana looks like Will Sampson

You can't have Casanova without Tim Gumms.

Just a thought…I'd love to see them bring back the designers who were eliminated first every season and watch what atrocities they can come up with next.  That show would have the potential to make us all laugh.

I kept hearing Michael Kors' voice in my head saying "Why would a woman want to wear something that makes her look larger".

But he's got to stop that annoying "I'm afraid her design will blow my design out of the water" attitude.  Grow a backbone man!

This show has the same problem other shows like "Work of Art" have: they are missing a host with energy. Nega doesn't have it and neither does Joanna. There's a monotone to them that doesn't inspire a fan base. Heidi always has the potential to go for the throat, and that helps propel things along.

I kind of liked Kenley's dress, but April's was godawful. I'm so glad they didn't boot her because the thought of her disappointing that miniature pony for a second time is too depressing.

Last Tango in Paris

My pop culture resolution is to continue to voice my disdain for all things pop culture that are shoved down my throat without my permission.

Without question the most unpleasant books I've ever read.  It's the Sweet Movie of books.

Yes, but a really well-trimmed one.

They used to call Kenley out on the carpet for copying other desingers all the time.  In fact, she designed an Alexander McQueen knockoff for the finale and then denied any similarity.  It was an exact copy right down to the styling.

Because I'm speaking from Dixieland…my fantasy…my rules.  I think Heidi is the greatest.  And that accent gets me hot!

I thought PG-13 was created for Red Dawn (although if I remember correctly
The Flamingo Kid was given that rating but shelved for a while).

I feel so old.  My first R rated movie was Alfred Hitchcock's Frenzy followed closely by The Godfather.

I'd like to point out that in my opinion, as shiteous as this season has bee, it is still head-and-shoulders above that awful season they did in LA with Kors and Garcia MIA for most of the season.  If nothing else, Nina and Michael provided some good snark.

I thought Anya was a lock until that gold gown came out on the runway.  That dress looked like it was home-sewn in 15 minutes.  And she thought it was one of her 3 best?  Uh, oh!   It was TERRIBLE.