Dixie Normous

Isaac is greater than Kors?  They're very different in style, but I prefer Kors' bitchiness and hilarious snark to Isaac's stroking and downplaying.  I want to hear whats wrong as well as what's right with the designs and none of the judges on All Stars seemed willing to criticize with feeling.

I am so ready for Heidi, Michael and Nina to return.  This all-stars sugary love fest left me with a screaming case of diabetes.

You can embiggen your vocabulary by using the word "cromulent" more often.

The pencil skirt CANNOT be worn by everyone, and that jaw-dropping disaster that Mila "designed" SHOULD NOT be worn by anyone.  That made no sense to me at all.

He's one of the "Loreal Makeup Artists"™.  He doesn't get much screen time, but I can see how he has developed a following.

But I loved to hate Kenley the cat-throwing broom-jockey.  I can't stand the new persona.

What was up with the 'do on Michael last night?  He looked ridiculous.

Genevieve, I LOVE the Cinderella comment about Austin.  It absolutely hits the mark about how I feel about him.

These are all-stars and they're in the "blah" to "decent" range with 2 DAYS to finish. 

When I relate Kenley to Will and Grace I can only think of the time she went out with a doctor and had a cut on her head and he said to her:

I didn't understand the praise for Mila's outfit.  Who the hell wears a cape like that?  It completely hid her model's shape making her look like a smurf in a French Girls' Boarding School.  The only thing missing from that incredibly out-of-date outfit was one of Austin's dumb hats.

Someone should take Joanna Coles aside and tell her she's looking like shit.  When she came into the workroom with that bile-colored sweater, she looked like a corpse.

I thought Mondo was way more stoic than he appeared last night.  His mother's birthday?  Didn't he bring a phone with him?  I'll hate it if he turns into this season's Ricky.  I can't stand a blubberer.

But Pico, Rami's top was dreadful.  I'll miss him though.  He rocked that black polo.  Made me want a little pastRami between two buns (groan).

Aardvark, Kenley is indeed insufferable, but she's the girl you love to hate (or she was) and Kvetchin was the girl you just plain hate.

I agree scruffy, except that I have never owned anything in the clothing category that could be considered a "rare find".  I can't even begin to think what that could be.

Michael C having a nervous breakdown is too moist eyed to question his own sexuality.

That's straight out of Cry Baby, and it's always funny.  You go Polly Bergen!

Aunt Sassy got cancelled too and I miss her just as much.

I will admit to that.