Dixie Normous

Meh, I couldn't agree more.  It was really nice from the front, but it was a jaw-dropping atrocity from behind.  He really has no taste or respect for a woman's body.  He just likes sparkly stuff.

As much as I detest Josh and his plastic looks, I have to say that as a student athelete, he was pretty hot.  I wonder what the hell happened, because he is so not hot now.  And that sister looked like a you-know-what (starts with "c").

First of all, NO ONE played the race card, so get off your high horse so you can pull the stick out of your ass.

I think careful editing has set it up…Kimberly for the win. 

I noticed that too Lola, but I was afraid to mention it because if he didn't say it, I would have looked like a bigger illiterate asshole than that George Michael on estrogen Josh.

I agree.  And if PR keeps with tradition, Josh will win.  He's the only white person in the final 4 and they almost always go for the white guy (gal).  Chloe is the only exception.  I personally think Anya should win just so we can see Josh's hissy fit.

Unlike other seasons, I don't really care about this finale.  There isn't a number in all of science to measure how little I care.

Did anyone else notice the ugly Jams that Josh wore to Governor's Island?  He needs to update his creepy queeny wardrobe and join the 21st century.  Qiana and Jams?  Get real girl!

What the hell is boning anyway?  I thought that was what Josh was going to get in next week's finale, but now Viktor has incorporated it into a dress?

They already had Jessica Simpson on. WTF?

And incidentally, Austin needs to shave that shit off his upper lip.  You can't do drag with a mustache, and it totally clashes with his pouffy (spelled ridiculous) hairdo.

Was that Kenley I saw on the Project Runway losers (I mean alumni) show? 

The owl got sent to the island of misfit mascots along with April's miniature pony from last season.  Very sad.

I can not stand Josh.  He looks like George Michael after mainlining a quart of estrogen and taking a tabasco enema.  There is nothing I'd like more than to take his qiana shirts,  threaded eyebrows and ridiculous designer stubble and shove them up his ass so far he'd have to shit them out into a colostomy bag.

I don't see it. And Siriano wouldn't be caught dead with terrible facial hair that would make Georges Melies puke. I wasn't real sorry to see him eliminated. He was just too full of the ersatz sassy for my taste.

Stick around scatter…it's only going to get better. This is really the only review I will read all season, because it is so entertainingly written. Teti's awesome.

I agree that Bert is pretty awesome (so far), but I was more than a little shocked to hear his back story regarding alcohol and then see him at the greeting party with a glass of champagne in his hand.

I don't kiss and tell…without proper incentive.

I seem to remember Matt and Trey getting interviewed and saying something to the effect that "We've said shit so many times, we're fucked".

Little Children
I thought this movie was great, but the ending is so disturbing, that I couldn't sit through it again.