Dixie Normous

Oh my God, you are such nerds.

My favorite comment of the year was the one someone made about wishing Ivy would faint again…preferably near some pointy-cornered furniture. Inspired.

Look at that picture at the top of this review. I would not have been surprised to see a couple of tufts of hair in those armpits. That would have been in character.

The only word I can use to describe Mondo's collection is overstimulating. It was just too much. Fuck Gretchen and her collection of turd dresses and diapers.

I think Jessica Flintstone is beginning to look like Shirley Stoler (the female lead from The Honeymoon Killers…you should check it out).

I'll probably watch this show and read these recaps no matter who writes them, but it IS nice to have these intelligent and insightful comments from John Teti. And of course all the terrific snark from the AV Club members (and non-members) should get a shout-out as well. Thanks to everyone. It has been a fun season.

Oh, I said forty kinds of FUCK when that happened. The moment Heidi said Gretch….I started screaming at the TV.

My favorite season 8 moments
1. Ivy getting shot in the eye after a brief pontification about kharma. Immediately followed by the most evil grin from Michael C. Awesome.

Another missed opportunity
Just out of curiosity, I wonder why none of the designers chose to go to one of the more inspiring spots in the city: Ground Zero. If you want to stir your emotions, feel patriotic, and get a surge of inspiration, that's the place to visit. I don't know if it would inspire a design, but

It's sir, and thank you. It's really breaking my heart that that poor Minature Pony has no place to sleep tonight.

I was thinking… she'd get some? What would she get some of? Tears?

Didn't Heidi say something to the effect that there would be 4 designers going to the finale, but only 3 would compete at fashion week? Is there going to be some kind of showcase showdown next week before the runway show? Maybe Gretchen will fail then.

Even so Tommy, that chef's meltdown was epic. If you didn't catch it, I suggest checking out the first 3 episodes of that show. The boy is a loonie.

Gretchen is this season's Mila. The one you justifiably hate who seems to skate by even when her performance is well below everyone else's. It's a producer thing I guess. We do love the drama (at least I do).

Ivy still sucks, and Hat-Boy would have produced something of infinite blandness for this challenge.

Tenor, you point out something interesting. I think this is the first season where they pointed the microphones at the contestants during the runway show to get their (spelled G-R-E-T-C-H-E-N-'s) reactions. I'm not sure how I feel about this innovation, but I know that one of the reasons I seriously despise Gretchen

Because April didn't win…
somewhere out there is a Minature Pony who is a little sadder today.

I kind of give April a pass on how she acts since she's only 21 and she's dealing with fully formed dysfuctional colleagues. But I grant you some of her behavior is very junior high school.

Bent, I'm going to disagree with you about the Teutonic accent. I'm Jewish and I think her accent is so sexy. I'd consider switching sides for her.

No, my point is that Mondo had alread won 3 times in a row and he was going for 4.