Dixie Normous

OK, I accept that premise. Now…who pitches and who catches?

Oh sweet simple Karla, Kenly would throw the cat at you so hard, you'd never touch pussy again. Word.

Most annoying voice on Project Runway ever?
Ivy or Kenley?

OK Wo, I'll have another go at it…but I ain't promising anything.

I feel like you two really "kneed me in the groin" there. Doesn't matter, I still hate the show. It is what it is.

Casanova's biggest mistake was that it did not meet the resort wear challenge. Also, and I think I heard someone on the show say this in some context, it was clothing, not fashion.

The chain was there to prevent anyone from entering the cabinet to get at the good china.

He can start the show with hat-boy. They will be like the anti-Santino and Austin, with even less personality.

I'm not rooting for anyone.
I hate the way this season turned out. With Tiffany and Kelly gone, there's no one to root for. I almost wish the guy with the horrible dreads had stuck around past week 1 just to give me something to focus on.

I didn't catch that. Thanks for clearing that up.

I didn't understand Andy's outfit. He started with a BLUE dress and he sent a BLACK ensemble down the runway. Where was the original dress? I was surprised he didn't get called out on it.

I said it last week and I'll say it again, Andy and Christopher let Kvetchin Gretchen walk all over them. They were both a couple of pussie.

I got the impression he was just there to plug his shitty book.

I despise Kevin too, I just forgot to type it.

I agree with you completely. Angelo wins for doing a BIG HONKING CHUNK OF MEAT even after they told him not to. There were lamb chops with FUCKING BONES. Are you going to throw those out the window like it's an A&W? And Tiffany gets sent home because her mussels froze. I am so disappointed and I have no more

She looked like the demon spawn of Jaws and Lotte Lenya. Frightening, but marvelous.

I'm getting the feeling that Michael C is more like the wonderfully moist-eyed Ricky. He seems to cry at the drop of a hat and I don't see the skill he is supposed to possess yet.

Ew, you're right.

That was funny. They've been there, what…a week? WTF is he eating?

He resembles someone I went to school with too, Forty Two, but that guy, Carlton, rode the short bus. I hated himbecause he was a bully, so I was just as satisfied to see the flaming queen as you were.