Dixie Normous

Joker, I couldn't agree with you more. I'm dying to see Gretchen sitting in front of a huge plate of crow next week and gagging it down like a….well we won't go into that.

I wanna work for Ed
If he thinks 3 x 150 is 550, that's the payroll I want to be on!

But then he goes and says something like "I think navy blue is disturbing". He knows a lot of english if he can put that sentence together.

I know, I just wanted to tell my big boobed stripper story and use my "The Way We Were " joke.

That diaper was from Uranus.

That was Candy Samples, and I met her once. She signed a picture for me that read: with loving hands, Candy Samples. I also got a nipple print which I expect is on file at the FBI. She was very nice and she smelled like coconut oil.

Casanova's mangled english is for real
But he understands everything that they say to him. Tim told him his dress was seen in every store, and then he goes and says the same thing about Michael C.'s dress in every Puerto Rican woman's closet. Now, I've never been to PR so I can't back up his assessment, but Michael

At the risk of sounding all Gretcheny, I'll be the grammar police.
I believe it's Casanova's no-hablo-ingles act, not no-hable-ingles.

I am not a Peach fan.
I think Peach is the pits.

Strange judging.
How did they get rid of Sara? The girl reminded me of Rachel Maddow with a touch of Blossom and she seemed like she had both feet on the ground. I don't know where the hell Casanova comes from, but it ain't this galaxy. I still think that the "no hablo ingles!" thing is an act. He seems to

@all the pretty colors


It's time to get rid of Amanda.
She fucked up beef stew last week and this week she fucked up beef again. I'm no chef, but I can freakin cook beef stew. She's got to go.

You need to watch a replay of his elimination. It is absolutely heart-wrenching. You can actually see the instant that his world comes to an end all over his face. Meryl Streep couldn't convey this caliber of heartbreak as effectively.

Jason gets my vote.
Worst Project Runway contestant EVER. I think I hated him more than I hated Wendy Pepper. Hell, it was fun to hate Wendy, this guy sucked the joy out of every screen moment he got.

I know what you mean Jake. I used to laugh at Ricky all the time. The boy could cry at the opening of a door. But something about Nicholas was so pathetic, so deeply tragic, that I just rolled my eyes uncomfortably until they shooed him away. At least he was gracious enough to say a teary goodbye to Tim, unlike

I have to say the headline "Katy Perry uses up all the metaphors with "Milk Milk Lemonade" " made me laugh. It's just so stupid and I had no trouble believing it.

Is Casanova for real?
Someone called him out on it last night. The whole "no comprendo" act is just that…an act. If you've ever seen the movie "Smile" it's the same thing Maria from Salinas does with her fucking guacamole dip.

When Christopher said that having his design on a billboard would be operatic, I wanted to give him a cock punch so he could hit those high notes.

It was "Annie Hall" and that's another good comparison.