Dixie Normous

Blonde, you could be right, I don't have DVR, but it was my impression that she just stood there like a deer in the headlights hoping the whole conflict would just disappear.

It took me all season
to figure out who Miles reminds me of. If you've ever seen the movie "Peggy Sue Got Married" there's this smug artsy poet character named Michael Fitzsimmons who Peggy gets a crush on. He thinks he's deeper and better than everyone else and he's broody and generally just a jerk. He turns out

Once again in a confrontation, Peregrine caved like a frenchman in a thunderstorm. She should have told Jaclyn to shove that picture she took in the bathroom (against the rules) where a pill can't reach. I was glad the other artists objected. Peregrine is a weak little ninny who is lucky to have talent. Even so,

Something just occurred to me
Riddle me this:

There was a shot of one of the other designers while Casanova's "creation" was coming down the runway and the look on her face was classic. Her eyes were popping out of her head in horror. I knew what she was feeling.