Pro-Life Zombie

Ironic browsing?


Classic Radio
Every time I hear Nirvana on the Classic Rock station 94.9 fm 'The Arrow"

If it helps I chuckled at the first attempt and had an amused smirk at your explanation.

Spolier Alerts!
Thanks for ruining the end of The Biggest Sandwich Ever for meā€¦jerk.

What a great story.

This is one of those movies that I watched once and have no desire to watch again. I enjoyed it - don't get me wrong - and I understand why other people enjoy it - but I found it extremely uncomfortable to sit through.

Rumor Has It that Love Happens in this movie. These two are Picture Perfect. The Break-up is simply a misunderstanding.

This is an interesting thread to pull on..

But his cyborg equivalent will still be walking around killing people and making movies.

Fuck this 100 year bullshit. I want to know what James Cameron will do to celebrate the Titanic's 200 year anniversary?

Carl's Jr.
After watching Idiocracy.

I live in a very heavy populated Mormon area - and this is the kind of nonsense that would sell like gangbusters here. They all believe in having a 6 month supply of food and water for when the end times come.

"He might, but John Meyer would totally beat off to this."

To be fair - this is kind of how I imagine celebrities spend their spare time when they are not sleeping with each other, doing drugs, trying on expensive clothes, or getting chased by photographers.

Other things that can make a woman's hands rough
Cooking food that the man brings home
quilting and sewing
doing the laundry
Weaving a basket to gather the food from the gardening

Paul F. Tompkins "Impersonal"
It's my favorite at the moment, but only by a slim margin. I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite of all time.

Hating the Hater

Admit it - wouldn't a part of you like to see an American version of "Hustle" or "Hotel Babylon"? Or how about "Jekyll" or "Night of the Triffids"?

I just wish they would remake "Coupling" for American audiences. That's bound to work!