Pro-Life Zombie

Am I alone in wanting Gilligan to be played by Mark Wahlberg?

I would love to see the one where the Japanese soldier still thinks WWII is going on and kills off the castaways in increasingly grisly fashion.

God I hope that's the case - because the whole thing is starting to wear a little thin.


I gotta admit, this "Cop and Kitty " bit he talks about in the video sounds hilarious.

The world does not need another Superman movie!
What could possible be interesting about the man of steel that hasn't been covered in thousands of cartoons, movies and television shows? Nothing!



Watching the first episode I thought the animators missed some prime opportunities to insert funny visuals. Often it seemed you were just watching three cartoon drawings sitting around a desk talking.

Not a pretty picture
It's funny they had this question today - as two current headlines from the Web site hit a little too close to home.

Why would you play poker with God?

If the movie is just two hours of two people playing Battleship that would be cool.

In my opinion they're not. Mind you these are the only three Straub books I've read - but both had a fairly strong conflict between the bad and the good.

WWJD = What Would Jesus Deliver?

God's logic:

I'm in the same boat. Watched it - didn't know what to make of it - realized I needed to watch it three, maybe four more times to get the point - decided I would rather blow shit up on Killzone 2.


That or Locke is lying about his father to Helen - which is sort of the vibe I picked up when she suggested they elope with their respective families in tow and he quickly changed the subject.

I just hope the book will reveal how the Na'vi turned blue and started living in trees.

Jared Leto
Is he the one on the far right?