Pro-Life Zombie

I like to mix it up with a t-shirt form Wal-mart and jeans from TJ Maxx.

Little known fact
It's true - as Bruce Willis pointed out - that to kill a wolf you have to stick your hand down its throat. But as Jack Kukoda points out, this would not work with an elephant. To kill an elephant with your hand you have go in through the back door.

Me too - except the opposite of that.

Other extreme awesome zones
Shooting the rapids in a kayak made of pot down a river of whiskey.

I'm pretty sure the weight limit on this thing has been broken or is perilously close to being broken.

I was a big fan of Chaplin before I ever saw a Buster Keaton film - and I had a hard time watching Keaton without comparing him to Chaplin's more maniac and roguish little tramp.

God you people are funny.

This 1:1 recreation sounds iffy. Will the traffic be realistic too? Will you spend hours driving from one point to another?

Great ice breaker
I don't know about you guys but the phrase "Talk about your face." is a great way to meet strangers in rest areas, under bridges, and in various pay-by-the-hour movie theaters.

Here's what I'm confused on. Why did Jacob send Hurley there with Sayid to be saved?

A lonely syphilitic prostitute has wandered onto your condom farm.

killer Party Of Five: The Complete Series DVDs
IT kills with boredom!

I wonder if she's related to the murderous hamster Rodney Stanger

For Valentine's Day I'm taking my girlfriend to see the movie Valentine's Day - then maybe she'll get the message that I hate her and want to break up.

What kind of flowers go with that one? I'm not asking for myself… it's….for a friend.

The 2007 Quill Book Awards
I hope I'm not the only one that was blown away by the production of the 2007 Quill Book Awards. By far the best quill book awards in the last five years - eclipsed only by the 1985 Quill Book Awards hosted by Oprah.

In 3008 we will all communicate through a series of "booms" and "pows"

I figure if both songs had about 30% less Boom they would both be 10% less annoying

You know how I could tell it was an Amelie Gillette piece? Right underneath the headline was her name. That and it was listed under the Hater section.

The main thing I learned from this interview is that it's okay to punch Jay Leno in head whenever you see him because he's expecting it.