Pro-Life Zombie

*Laughs and claps when applause sign lights up*

May I refer you sir to one "Black Sheep" and the entire third season of "Just Shoot Me."

I bet in the first episodeā€¦.
Joe Dirt will be kicked in the nuts at some point.

Great interview
You guys have been on fire lately with your interviews.

Other movie computer cliches
- Never use a mouse. If somebody asks you to do something on a computer. Clack away furiously and then pound on the enter key.

This would really be better if it was in some sort of graphical format.

Evil kids hate Vera Farmiga
Between this movie and Joshua, Vera is cornering the market on evil kid movies. If they ever remake Child's Play I hope Vera plays the Catherine Hicks role.

Possible scenario for the press conference
Public Relations flak: "Ladies and gentelmans of the media may I introduce MTV mega-star J-Woww"

Too bad - you're missing out.

"MTV mega star" is kind of like saying "The person who lives in the house down the road."

I haven't read many books written in the first person plural - the only other one that comes to mind is Eugenides' "The Virgin Suicides" - but of the two I thought this book utilized the effect better.

Crappy Poster photoshop job
What the hell is going on with Kristen Bell's fingers in that poster?

What Ignatius J. Reilly would say about this:
"A firm rule must be imposed upon our nation before it destroys itself. The United States needs some theology and geometry, some taste and decency. I suspect that we are teetering on the edge of the abyss."

Speaking of keeping bad teachers - has anyone seen the documentary Rubber Room? I caught a bit of This American Life where they talked about the practice- but haven't been able to find a copy of the film. I've heard the Gym teacher that punched Snookie in the face was supposedly placed in one of the rubber rooms.

I too read lots of blogs on this movie and already I this trailer watched and thus it was nice very. But where, perchance can I watch this online free movie. Can I idea to watch? Excited am I to wath this movie. Whguy POigh

The Ricky Gervais podcasts
I can listen to these things for hours. I'm hoping the HBO animated series will be available on Itunes so I won't have to wait for the DVD.

The quake lines appear to have been centered along her fallopian tubes - leaving hundreds of thousands of refugees cut off and trapped in the ovaries - with little hope of rescue.

It is physically impossible to be 40 and "hotter than ever" - unless of course they are talking about menopause heat.

This jacket is bullshit,. I bought one and the only thing it attracted was the jerky non-abstinence vampires - and ugly forced vampire rape.

"Lux Aeterna,"
Anyone else notice that this piece of music has ben co-opted as the go to theme in action movie trailers?