Pro-Life Zombie

Mariah vs. Mariah
Got to go with Genevieve with this one.

What sucks even more is Christmas carolers at work. At least when your home you can draw the shades and pretend your not there, but thats is harder to do in a cubical.

So who gets the money when I buy a Beatles' song from itunes? Is it still Michael Jackson?

My picks for TV shows

Good call with Vertigo. I always thought that last shot of the film, with the nun rising up out of the shadows and causing Kim Novak to fall to her death was Hitchcock's sly way of commenting on people who idolized movie stars.

It's about time The AV Club had a Q&A for all the pedophile users.

Leonard Pt. 7

Does Freddy vs. Jason count? Cause that was a lot of fun to watch - once.

Shane's not coming back. He bleed out under a sagebrush tree a half mile from the Starrett's cabin..

Like anti counterfeiting lasers? Or how about a 100 that will release mustard gas if you place it in a copier?

Obama wants to take your gun movie away!

I hope that at some point in the movie - 50 jumps in a car and says "Gun it."

Interesting fact. The movie Serenity was not about serenity. It was about killer space zombies.

What does natural smell like?
As someone who was born with out a sense of smell can someone please explain to me what natural smells like?


Ditto on Roald Dahl. The first Dahl book I read was the BFG when I turned seven. I can still recall, 27 years later, how fascinated I was with the story and with the drawings. In some way I think Dahl was the starting point were reading became a major hobby.

That was it. That was the bad thing.

In other news
Gwyneth Paltrow covers the new British Vogue, and inside she tells the magazine all about her revenge fantasies and pent-up feelings of hatred—possibly directed towards Madonna.

She could also play a psycho mom who hates coat hangers and yells at Brad Pitt a lot.

Do you think there will be some point in your life where you will look at a fad or a popular show and think "I have no idea why this is popular or why so many people think this is good?"