Spare Chang

Harmon said six seasons and a movie. He just didn't say that the movie will be KOOGLER!

Should have gotten an A for Koogler alone.

Was sooo skeptical of Enlisted, and yet pleasantly surprised when I sat down and watched first three episodes. Been DVRing ever since. Very very light (there's really only been one semi-dramatic moment/episode I can think of), and very funny.

There's an episode of The Critic where Marty is playing Escape From The Big Apple in which he has to dodge Yankees fans on nickel beer day in the Bronx, and is eventually killed by Al Sharpton who stops him and literally "blah blah blahs" him to death. So want that game. (Edit: Didn't see the mention two posts below

Weird thought, but anyone think a lot of harm was done to Community by being Hulu Exclusive for streaming (I assume Sony's fault)? Netflix has 40m+ subscribers, Hulu has like 5m. I feel like this show should have gotten some type of binge watched during the summer bump at some point during its history, but it just

He does save Sherlock in A Study In Pink by shooting the cabbie, he ultimately saves Sarah from being killed in the Blind Banker, he grabs Moriarty and tells Sherlock to blown them both up in The Great Game. But yeah, he's gotten more damsely in the past two seasons.

Plot device to show that Watson isn't a victim of his surroundings, that he subconsciously courts this type of mayhem because it gives him purpose. He liked the action in the war. He likes the craziness with Sherlock. It gives him purpose even if he pretends he's outraged by it. As far as "super-secret assassin," no

The reviews here are always too harsh on this show. They read almost like "This show about Sherlock is clumsy because it's so much about Sherlock." It's kind of the point.

1. Twister
2. Everything else.

I know a lot has been made of the 'stunt casting' in this episode since there's so many guest stars with not a lot to do, but I kind of saw it as Community expanding its universe a la Simpsons or Parks & Rec more than stunt casting. They're not replacing Glover w/ a new series regular, so they're going to need more

Been rewatching Season 1 in anticipation of the finale and the impression I get more and more is that the first few minutes of the pilot are the only real things that happen: Ryan writes his suicide note, takes the pills, waves to Jenna, lies down on the bed, hear's Wilfred's voice yelling at the Ethan Suplee

It's watchable and I laugh, so works for me.

Because it's play time with Annie.

There is a serious hole in the funny of this show now, though. More Duncan is good, more Chang is meh (although this version of Chang is the best version), but Troy was dependable for at least 2-3 of the best laughs in an episode. They're also going to have to get very creative with Abed and find new ways for him to

I did think it was a slight posthumous FU from Pierce. Remember, he brought Lavar Burton in last time to mess with Troy.

But we'll try, as best as we can, to caaaaarrrrrrrrryyyyy on!

Noooooooooooo….Monkey, come baaaaaccck!

Agreed, but the problem is that none of NBC's new shows stick. That's why these keep getting renewed. The second they get a comedy that sticks, Parks & Community get cancelled, then they go with the new popular comedy as a fixture and use the empty slots to try more new stuff. It's just never happend. It's actually

NBC is likely cancelling MJF, Sean Saves the World. Welcome to the Family & Ironside already cancelled. Dracula probably gets cancelled. It just depends on how nuclear NBC goes. Community, Parks & Rec, and Parenthood are all on the bubble. My hunch is all three get renewed, because NBC's track record has been so

I may have missed it during the many guest star announcements over the summer, but is there a set new/old person that's going to take on a bigger role in Troy's absence similar to how Hickey is kind of, but not really, replacing Pierce?