Spare Chang

My thinking on this is that the season has to end with Larry acquitted but someone else implicated via the acquittal, because that's your Season 2 (if you get one).

There's a lot of flaws in this show (I don't think any of the characters outside of Chip are really given much weight), but I've never seen a more fundamental misreading of what a show is than in these reviews.

I'm anticipating the inevitable Trump tweet "Many people are dying in the streets due to Obama and Crooked Hillary, and all she can do is go on airheaded unfunny @galifinakisz play show. Sad!" to spark it all

It was a fun five minutes.

It's really Louie's love letter to parenting which has dominated almost every aspect of his post-having kids career. He's spent so much time and energy talking about why trying to be a good father is important to him and the effects being one versus not being one can have, and this really ties everything he's been

Just a tremendous show and accomplishment by Louie. So glad I watched this, I doubt I'll see another thing that evokes the same emotion all year.

It's weird, because pre-gentrification white working class Brooklyn definitely shades in everything around this story, but on some levels, I think versions of this story plausibly exist across all spectrums. We just happen to be looking at one version. And that considered, I'm not sure race has all that much to do

I really liked the show.

Billy didn't mature, and his music didn't either.

Also does anyone anticipate Don & Betty coming crashing back together for a fleeting moment? I'm not saying this is going to go full blown soap opera or anything like that, but weirdly enough they seem to be going through the same things - struggling to adapt and feel relevant in a world that's passing them by. It

I really hope Weiner wraps this half of the season at a spot that makes sense. Honestly, I really hope the Don's status with the company arc is settled in the next two episodes. If he's going to bounce back, it sets up a second half where we start to see the ramifications of him back in his old skin and what could

Agree, I'd be cool with a streaming sixth season, but meh on a movie, especially kickstarter movie. The other thing is the show just left off in a bad spot for a movie. Ideally you'd wrap most of the character and story arcs up in a sixth season and then the movie is a fun (probably paintball filled) epilogue.

Since we're all going to speculate wildly, to me the only shot this show has for more content is a Hulu sixth season or kickstarter movie. It actually would be a really smart move for Hulu to jump on it for 13 eps. They are becoming increasingly more irrelevant and marginalized by Netflix & Amazon. Speaking of those

Just came across as cancelled as well.

Retweeted by Alan Sepinwall
Michael Schneider ‏@franklinavenue 4m
I asked Netflix's Ted Sarandos earlier this year about picking up #Community, he made it clear the show's Hulu syndie deal made it unlikely.

The problem with Community going the streaming rout would be Hulu has exclusivity on the previous seasons. It would be hard for Netflix or Prime to roll out a sixth season without the previous five on the service, so Hulu is basically the only hope. I think it's done.

In fairness to Joan and the others, Don almost burned that place to the ground before he left. He waged war against the merger partners, he completely shredded Ted to the point where Ted barely functions anymore, he cavalierly tossed accounts and picked up others on his own, he drank so much he started to get the

Yeah she's not in the credits for the episode either. I think it was exactly what Don thought it was. Those guys throwing a girl his way as a perk.

I also think it's interesting who looks like they're going to make it through this period and who doesn't.

SC&P is at an adapt or perish point. The end of the 60s is really the death knell for that last bit of 50s style traditionalism. These characters are going to have to reinvent themselves or fade away.