Spare Chang

I'm very very curious about how next week goes. They can either send Troy off with one big, final Troy & Abed caper, or they can go pretty dark with it on how they ultimately split. I kind of think it has to end with Troy rejecting Abed in some manner — they've made such a big deal about Troy's entire identity being

The whole scene where Jonas sways the wealthy cabal that FDR is good followed by Devon having to explain to Cynthia what the economy is because she's a woman, followed by awkward almost making out was just gold. Loved the first two episodes. No fears about the jokes wearing out over the rest of the run.

Any thoughts (or clues in the episode) on who the bandit actually is? I was thinking Britta all along. The stupid run-on taunts had a Britta feel to them.

"Here’s the thing: I’m a longtime Jeff and Annie skeptic, mostly because I think it tanks the Annie character too often"

My hunch is the Pierce thing was a set up for the next couple of episodes. Maybe even plays into the eventual Troy departure episode…I can't imagine they just tossed that out there not to go a little deeper into how it affects the characters going forward.

Not a big fan of just arbitrarily killing Pierce off. Maybe it'll be important in subsequent episodes, but if that was just to fit the procedural/Law & Order esque genre like the Starburns death, kind of a waste. I get that it's extremely unlikely Chevy was ever going to be back, or allowed by Sony to come back, but I

I enjoyed it, but that was an incredibly risky choice for the first episode after the premiere block of shows. If the audience evaporates when the numbers come out this week I wouldn't be shocked. Unless you really like the show (like I do), can't imagine anyone turned that on randomly and stuck with it. That was

Just finished this on Netflix. Just going to touch on a bunch of things to kind of help me sort out my thoughts on the show.

I don't get the criticism that's made the rounds the past few days that the finale is inappropriately glorifying Walt. Is this perception entirely because his death is scored with an upbeat classic rock song and he died with a smile on his face? Did people forget what actually happened because of Baby Blue? The guy:

No, only Hank & Gomez knew Jesse's true affiliation with Walt, and the Nazis stole (and presumably destroyed) the confessions. Hank kind of went rogue a little on his Walt investigation. So, realistically, if Jesse fled and started a new life somewhere else, there wouldn't be a huge risk to his future. The mental and

I don't think either of them are manipulating each other. I think Todd in his own creepy way is infatuated with her and she is indifferent to him.

It really depends on what Walt's motive is and that's still (somewhat) of a mystery.

The ricin is for Walt Jr.

I wonder if people are reading that final scene right. Everyone seems to be focused on Grey Matter. Walt's annoyed seeing Gretchen and Elliot, but his demeanor changes into full on Heisenberg rage when Charlie Rose mentions that the blue meth is still being pumped out in the Southwest.

That's why I really like the idea of Walt saving Jesse, telling Jesse to kill him for all that he's done to him, and Jesse killing himself, leaving Walt with no redemption, everyone dead, and either ricin or cancer as his only way out.

Only reason I think Lydia gets it is because of the weirdness going on with her and Todd. Todd saved the meth operation by stopping Uncle Jack from killing Jesse and taking him back to home base under the notion that they were going to get info from Jesse and then kill him. The nazis have 70+ million of Walt's money

Yeah, but didn't Jesse tell Todd to tell them just to go to Hank's house and get the tapes. I assume that's going to happen and they're going to meet some resistance.

Any chance this ends with all the principle players dead?

Hank and Gomez  die. Jack gets ready to execute Jesse, but Walt stops them by telling them Jesse can cook for them. Jesse tells Walt to go fuck himself and tells Jack about the money. The Nazis start looking for the money but make it clear after they get it, since they have Jesse to cook now, they're going to off

Am I the only one slightly frightened that Walt Jr is going to walk out of the bedroom or into the house in the first five minutes of next week's episode and accidentally get popped by Jesse. Clearly, the house doesn't get burned down, so something stops him, and booking the Walt/Jesse confrontation for next week