The Puggle Chewie

What was Rick saying to the TV in his memory of 9/11? I caught something like "excuse to take away our freedom."

Jerry will come crawling back. He's Jerry.

Speaking of Cumberbatch, the Astral plane in Legion is not the same as the one in Doctor Strange, right? One is psychic mutant power, and the other is magic.

Aubrey Plaza is the only form of SK that is still scary. Farouk looks like Fat Bastard.

The more I see the Devil With Yellow Eyes, in his Fat Bastard form, the less scary he is. The more I see Aubrey Plaza, the scarier she gets.

Council membership, at least in the post-Sovereign era Guild, seems to be independent of arching level, or at least current level. Dr. Z was retired when Rusty's support group visited him; it seems unlikely that he has resumed tormenting poor Action Johnny. He may have been a 10 at his peak but now? Similarly,

I have to agree with Monarch that he should be a higher rank than 4. Sure, Wide Wale outclasses him in resources, but Harangutan and Battleaxe? They were living in their van. Redusa? A crappier house in a crappier Jersey town, no henchmen at all. Think Tank probably doesn't need henchmen but I still wouldn't rate

The Potomac is pretty much an ecological nightmare already.

Exterminated, not enslaved. Humans can't breathe Kryptonian air.

A window in his own house, if memory serves.

Agreed. John Clare had no difficulty killing Proteus, so Lily is certainly not invulnerable. Dorian is magic so I guess he could be but if you shot or burned his painting he'll be screwed.

I'm not absolutely sure Lily can't have children but probably not. She may be thinking that John Clare is still in her thrall and could carry out Frankenstein's procedure (he assisted in her resurrection ) but since he's fled to the Arctic, I assume she and Dorian will enslave Victor.

Some of that blood looked like it might have been CGI.

I would love to see them do something like that but I can't imagine who could be prettier than Eva Green to play Ayesha.

Can Ethan even be killed by hanging (or other conventional, non-silver methods) when in human form? Executioner back in the US may have a surprise coming.

Are there any Victorian era monsters from Africa that Sembene be resurrected by? She-who-must-be-obeyed, perhaps?

Showy gypsy stuff.

Excellent question; the fact that Lily is reanimated doesn't mean she's indestructible, as Proteus shows. She may not age (although since she's only been reanimated a couple weeks or so I don't know how she would know that for sure), but she can be killed. I'm not sure her undead body can even heal - there's no

215 days is pretty damn awesome for a Thermos. How much are they?

So, I've always wondered: IRL the stereotypical gay guy lisp is an affectation, right? I don't just mean Jordan is doing it for the role, that's obvious, but real gay guys who talk that way are doing it on purpose?