The Puggle Chewie

If they had to, the sestras could probably get Helena or Alison acquitted in any trial just by all showing up dressed alike and challenging any witness or forensics to prove which one did anything.

The preview for next week kind of gave that away (Helena with a bloody axe and a shocked Donnie) even if wasn't the obvious development.

Also there was a gunpoint standoff.

Hugh Jackman's werewolf was basically "Lupus Dei" in that.

That's like a superpower! Hope he got out of that place before Mugabe lost it and ruined the economy.

Alison played Sarah while Sarah played Rachel in the season premiere. So she'll still help out when needed.

I would have enjoyed seeing Helena dispatch Dirty Sexy Paul entirely too much. Ah, the road not taken.

I hated that sick evil Rachel so much and now I feel sorry for her and want her to get better. This show, and Maslany, are just incredible.

I'm not sure Corporal Miller was ever shown doing anything as despicable as Scarface Rudy. Miller just seemed to be a guard in the jail, and a fairly professional one at that.

Seems like Paul thought his boss would not be OK with Dr. Coady's plan to make an infertility weapon, or at least not OK with her allowing the Castor boys to spread the STD among the general population, so he reported her. Not a really long game and not really a whistle-blower since Paul only got worried about the

The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency seems appropriate

The word isn't quite right for it's purpose. An agency or agent works for someone else (the principal ) to achieve the principal's goals. We keep saying a character is showing agency when she makes decisions for herself.

Stop feeding the troll, people. That's just message board 101.

I noticed that, hope she's making underwear-twerking money now

Looked like Helena drawings to me.

No one dies (for long) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I don't agree that having a fantasy you think would be bad to do in real life makes you a hypocrite. If he had a huge gun collection but also wanted a gun ban for everyone else, that would be hypocrisy.

The Iron Man movies, now there's some Fountainhead for ya.

I'm not sure Syndrome really matches Ayn Rand's villians: he's a genius inventor, self-made ultra-rich private island owner.

I wouldn't mind seeing a special event miniseries with the reboot film actors encountering reboot versions of the best 6 or 8 episodes of TOS.