Killface Chippendale

Rock & Roller Cola Wars

This is fucking phenomenal. How was I not aware?

I really dig this guy's videos. Thanks for the link.

It's still my favorite Apple product ever. Back in my coffee-slinging days, we'd put it on shuffle on the overhead and never hear the same song twice.

I had a similar experience at MoMA, wherein the huddled throngs surrounded Starry Night, leaving me to immerse myself in Christina's World in peace.

How much better can you eat? What more can you buy that you can't already afford?

In hindsight, my dire hatred of horror remakes most likely found its genesis in House on Haunted Hill, that masterpiece of all things late '90s and terrible, in which Matthew Lillard and Chris Kattan enter into a scenery-chewing contest and end up eating each other. It remains the first of only two movies I've ever

It was incredibly subversive, too, and led the way in crafting high-minded entertainment for children. To have a cartoon that was not only genuine and sweet but assumed that its core audience was literary and urbane was a real breakthrough, which is why it still resonates today.

This one hurts a lot. I adore her work. Time to bust out my Rocky & Bullwinkle DVDs.

And that's when the C.H.U.D.s came after him.

Yeah, if only they'd mentioned it in the article. Oh, wait.

YYZ is sheer perfection throughout.

Thank you. Fixed.

INXS - Suicide Blonde
Greatest harp solo in all of rock & roll. Charlie Musselwhite is a beast.

And those last three notes are so fucking sinister.

Yeah, some friends in a horror movie watching group screened Inside, then sat around discussing it in awed, enraptured tones. I don't get the appeal. I hated the torture porn movement in general, but Wolf Creek in particular, as it seemed the worst of the bunch in its gleeful dehumanization.

Just ask this scientician!

Seen him three times since '92. Most insanely precise show I've ever seen. He's amazing.

My best friend says he's accidentally seen Jimmy Eat World more than any other band, back in the early 2000s when they were opening for everybody.

Having fallen head over heels for The Soft Bulletin upon its release, I became a lifelong devotee of the Flaming Lips starting with my first show in 2002, on the Unlimited Sunshine Tour (featuring support from an insanely diverse lineup that included Modest Mouse, De La Soul, and Cake). Over the years, their shows