Killface Chippendale

I appreciate the intricacies of gender/race-based income disparity, but I tend to check out when someone complains that they weren't paid as many millions as someone else.

I'd chalk it up to bad writing more than anything else. They never really figured out how to move her past the "Oh, that's nice!"/RAGING DEMON binary.

Incidentally, I feel the same way about the second movement of Ravel's Daphnis et Chloé, with which I am utterly obsessed, and which still sounds like no other music I've ever heard. It seems to exist on a higher plane of communication, simultaneously conveying both the epic sweep of the natural world and the highest

Oh, man. Sold.

In the late '90s, I became immersed in the online synching community, a group of like-minded AV nerds who were so entranced by the Dark Side of the Moon/Wizard of Oz phenomenon that we took it upon ourselves to come up with our own. What began as an innocent foray into straight one-to-one pairings of movies and music

I caught Rejected at Spike & Mike's back in 2002, when I was working at the Tivoli Theatre in St. Louis. My coworker declined to set it up for me, revealing only that he had spent twenty bucks on the ten-minute DVD "and it was worth every cent." Hertzfeldt's opus arrived at the end of the night, the finale of an

Great; now let's focus on referring to bands as collective entities rather than singular.

The podcast You Must Remember This has a fantastic multipart series covering U.S. pop culture's response to the war.

It's super fucking good. They don't get nearly enough love.

Hey! Show some respect. I was still listening to Van Halen.

Yeah, Blues Traveler had a much wider influence than one would have guessed.

I always mistook Sister Hazel for Blues Traveler, too, until they played a free in-store at my old Borders and I wondered why they were covering Blues Traveler until I discovered they weren't.

Precisely the reason I despise HateSong and have been campaigning for its demise ever since its inception.

I will not sit idly by while you slander Kim Carnes's good name!

'97 was the year I discovered the Dark Side of the Rainbow synchronicity via an issue of Entertainment Weekly (which still holds a cherished place in my collection), which in turn got me not only into Pink Floyd but the online synching community, both of which have remained a constant presence in my life and have

The Ice Storm is dark as shit. Good movie, but…damn.

I trust you were a big fan of Scud: The Disposable Assassin.

Allow to me that guy and point out that, while an absolute masterpiece and my favorite Cronenberg film this side of The Dead Zone, Crash came out in '96.

The 33 1/3 about Let's Talk About Love is brilliant, devoting a full-length treatise to get to the bottom of why anyone would willing listen to Céline Dion (spoiler alert: all taste is subjective, who'da thunk).

What's weird about that track is that it's not even the catchiest on the record (which is fucking great, by the way). I always a bit mystified by its success as well.