Killface Chippendale

Yeah, too bad he'll never be prosecuted.

Yeah, why do these silly rape victims take so long to gather the courage to go public?

Frankly, I think I'm overdone.

Which is astounding, considering how ineptly Breaking Bad handled its female characters. The only moment in which women on the show weren't portrayed as passive, hysterical, or emasculating was when Skyler took the reins in season 5 and went straight badass. It's the one glaring flaw throughout the series, and it

See, not a fan. But The X-Files is still the shit.

"Dreamland" was my favorite in that regard, with Michael McKean highlighting just how pathetic Mulder's domestic existence truly was.

This is like Booker T. & the M.G.'s recording McLemore Avenue without Steve Cropper's having heard Abbey Road.

You're right, it's better to spend fifty years making cracks about her talent and character.

Brace yourselves—"Imagine" isn't as great as it's hyped up to be! Can you believe I just went there? I'll give you a minute to recover.

Oh, damn, I have unusual tastes? What a slam. Season of Glass is a fucking masterpiece and I feel sorry for anyone who can't get with it.

Her pop career in the '80s was fucking stellar, too.

Tough shit. The band was doomed, anyway—they were all sick to death of each other by the end. To blame John for falling in love and moving on with his life is to give in to the sexist drivel that still defines much of Beatles fetishization.

Beautiful. I can't wait to see how thoroughly this pisses off the rabid hordes who still blame her for everything from smallpox to crib death.

"And baby said—"

Good to know! I bought it for my girlfriend, who's a Bowie freak, and we haven't watched the retrospective yet.

That Eddie solo? One take.

What Zappa referred to as a talent attack.

Impossible question, but I've spent a lifetime curating an internal list that looks something like:

Fun, fun, fuuuuuuuun to play along with, too.

Fox Theatre in St. Louis. Same day I saw Obama. What a day that was.