Killface Chippendale

God, Monterey Pop was something. I don't get why it's not more widely renowned.

It's been done.

Her domestic economic policies are generally on point, but the dissatisfaction toward her among the progressive left stems from her having endorsed Hillary while Bernie was still in the race and her remaining silent on DAPL despite her having touted herself as being of Native heritage. The impression given is that

I was lucky enough to see David Byrne on his solo tour back in 2008, when he was exclusively playing the stuff he had written with Eno. The entire night was devoted to the Heads' most classic material, and the stage setup consisted solely of Byrne, his band, and a dance troupe he had nabbed from some conservatory in

I did! My friends were pissed.

rainbowsheeps: Got plenty of these on the left, too. Booker and Warren come to mind.

After my best friend got me into the fold with Furious 7, we marathoned the entire series in one day. It was a fifteen-hour death march that vascillated between excruciating boredom and lightheaded giddiness, with the clear delineation between Fast & Furious and Fast Five that came when the producers gave up on taking

Dwayne getting whipped by a tribe of pygmies is as indelible an image as I've ever come across.

I believe the preferred nomenclature is 'retarded'.

So this absolutely happened, and it was absolutely great. The room was packed, the crowd got more and more amped with each go-around, and we were even treated to two encores of "Smooth". Best fucking thing I've seen all year. Of course the A.V. Club bullpen doesn't get it. STL represent!

Can't stand Krispy Kreme, but I'm all about Jelly Bellys. Decisions, decisions.

It's really just an excuse to get Val Kilmer out of the house.

It's a totally immersive experience. Highly recommended.

Oh, you lucky bastard, you got to watch Z Channel. I'd give my eye teeth.

I'm not looking forward to the funeral, when Jeff Anderson knocks the casket over and her fuckin' body falls out.

Such a shame. That's way too young. And let's hope he doesn't use this as yet another excuse to postpone the reboot of the animated series.

He is a dear, sweet gem of a guy, perched atop the highest echelon of celebrities' interactions with their fans. It's the same reason he was able to cultivate and maintain the repertory of talent that he utilized through his career, including Lisa. Thanks for sharing your story.


"Chappelle’s comments didn’t go over too well, despite not really being anything to get in a snit over."

God Christ, I love The Best Years of Our Lives.