Killface Chippendale


"she really only has one exceptional movie to her name, The Hurt Locker."

I go through mad Apollo 13 kicks every few years where I watch it all the time. Everyone in it has a career-best performance. Flaweless fucking movie; endlessly rewatchable.

Yeah…this is what happens when an entire staff compiles a list in a couple of hours.

Fun fact: I'd rather watch anything by Keaton than anything by Kubrick. Or just watch Sherlock Jr. on repeat until I croak.

Fuck yeah, Solondz! Zwigoff, too.

I won't disagree that Linklater deserved a nod, but that's an impossible list from which to cull a favorite.

Uh…John Sayles. What the fuck.

"What else do our readers like? Game of Thrones? Yeah, that'll do."

"…at an Auschwitz concentration camp."

Oh, Christ, The Specials is amazing. The hidden jewel of his filmography, and criminally underappreciated.

The Specials never gets the love it deserves.

He is such a sweet, genuine dude. He'll blow through St. Louis every now and then, and it's never a star moment—he always makes time for his friends and fans, and he's never less than super gracious and affable. It's been such a thrill to see his career slowly take shape from the days of Tromeo and Juliet, and he

The Amazon reviews are full of people complaining about the image quality, countered by a top-rated post from one of the actual producers of the show, who points out that since the entire series was edited straight to video, its final state never exceeded broadcast quality. It's an eloquent paraphrasing of "Shut up,

Why would he do it unless he were in mortal danger? Because he could get uromysitisis poisoning and die, that's why.

I recently purchased the complete '80s Twilight Zone, which includes the classic "A Little Peace and Quiet", in which Melinda Dillon discovers that she can stop time. The frozen-in-time effects are effectively rendered, considering the technical limitations of the day, and made me reconsider the efficacy of bullet

It Follows, The Babadook, and Get Out succeeded almost entirely on word of mouth.

Jeezus, it's the fuckin' birdman!

'09 was no slouch, either: Inglourious Basterds, [500] Days of Summer, District 9, The Lovely Bones…I worked at a movie theater that year, and everything I saw was better than the last.