Killface Chippendale

Third time's the charm!

I'm glad she's enjoying her Trump victory lap.

Really…very…nice and…good.

If crowd-pleasing fare is what they're going for, I'll totally settle for Hidden Figures.

More like La La Bland, amirite?

These comments, my god. It's astonishing just how few people actually thought he would win.

"Frank And Helen’s just might be the city’s standard bearer."

Glad to see Burt Sugarman's Midnight Special getting some love.

What kind of slime would I marry?

I love that Jax's metal arms have been replaced with debutante gloves.

I'd say Harrington is a prettier Jonathan Davis.

Seriously, no Lemonade? Way to snub the most relevant record of the year.

"a threat the entire political establishment was helpless to prevent"

Considering how sensitively he depicted black communities in National Lampoon's Vacation (to wit, East St. Louis, which the Griswolds enter by going the wrong way across the bridge), it's probably for the best.

A writer went searching for John Hughes and couldn't find him anywhere.

Premiering the day before the inauguration. Beautiful.

So a few years ago, I was perusing the dank nether regions of Myopic Books in Chicago when I came across a weathered paperback copy of The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer, Brian Masters's exploration of the grim art project in which Dahmer was engaged when he was caught. Being a morbid little shit who's been fascinated by

If only they'd released this before he went tits up.


I thought no one could top Shkreli for sheer punchability, but lo and behold.