Killface Chippendale

I'll just be over here watching Bullshit.

I always feel like Big Brother's watching me.


Hollywood Babylon is the best kind of sleaze. I'll find myself reading the Ince chapter over and over.

It's a hard world for little things.

How tremendous is Fatboy Slim?

Dude, nothing embarrassing at all about being turned on to great music through Weird Al. It's basically a rite of passage.

Leprechaun: Mac 2 tha Hood

People have been leveling the same charge against Rage for years.

"These were weighty political moments, but few would say the band came off as proselytizing or mawkish during them."

Alas, the irony lies in those who derided every claim of voter suppression in the primaries now losing their goddamn minds over the outcome of the national.

Chili p's his signature!

First thing that came to mind. :)

You're just jealous 'cause I'm pretty!

So seeing as I'm a Luddite and I don't have live TV at home, I opted to swing by my mom's place down the street from work to watch SNL. I caught the glorious first ten minutes, and then she walked through the door, took one look at the screen, and went, "If that has anything to do with Trump, turn it off."

For me, it's got to be the cadre of records that were borne of grief, a list that includes The Soft Bulletin, Electro-shock Blues, and Funeral. That the most monumentally uplifting, life-affirming music I've ever heard could have sprung from the depths of heartache and pain only solidifies my longheld belief that the

And then you slip on a banana peel and land in some doo-doo, SPLAT!

This year is dead set on depriving me of all my heroes.

Yeah, T2's a lock. Still my favorite blockbuster ever.