
If I may offer a slight correction: you don't just hold your index finger in place. You point it vigorously at your groin while humping the air.

Haha, yeah! He'll probably grow up to comment at the AV Club.

I always skip past that part, because I can't take the sound of them being stabbed. The part that scares me the most is in the beginning when the killer calls the cops. "Good. Byyyyyyyye."

I thought that scene was kinda funny, like Marshall was clearly aware of Graysmith's uneasiness and was getting a kick out of it. He even smiles a little to himself when he sees Graysmith out.

I enjoy the work of both of these drummers. Can't we all just be friends?

Smug dismissal, I'm guessin'.

Well, I hope you all don't up and leave and don't tell me.

If Bryan Cranston didn't squeal with delight at "Tony Hopkins", he's doing everything wrong.

Well, no, he probably thought, "Well, not his whole fucking family. Maybe just his mom."

Jon… Tenney. Tenney? Tenney. But seriously, he was a great sleazeball.

"It's free. I love you. Say more things."

My mom thinks he's the cat's PJs.

Get a load of Bill Nye over here.

Oh, now alurin's scorin' off me? That's it.

I like this guy.

Wouldn't it be easier to just find the first Cyrus and sterilize him?

But what does it have to do with Breaking Bad?

To be fair, you have to use a similarly colorful phrase for men. "Chill your nuts", or somesuch.

Let that be a lesson to the rest of you…nuts.

I had the shittiest day. Then I came here and saw this. Will, you're my hero.