
Shut up and refill my glass.

The one holding a roasted chicken is getting his John Candy on pretty hard.


This can never be said enough: candy corn is awesome and delicious and everyone can shut up.

Walter's cool as a cucumber now that's he's got nothing left to lose. Almost Mike-like in his "let's get down to bidness" approach.

Awful? Awful? OK, yes, but I like it anyway.

That's mom. She always leaves some out for guests.

@flagonthemoon:disqus ,

Wait, whose girlfriend is she?

I know what you're saying.

@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus Something was dreadfully wrong, for he felt a deep, burning pain in his right abdomen.

@avclub-75c0ce4ad8c4d435237c84af7d40b443:disqus ,

Aw, it's OK, uselessbeauty. It's only natural to think you see him everywhere you look.

I want that green latticed divider thing from the White living room, and that figurine from Walter and Skyler's dresser. Someone get on this.

It hurts when you step on it?

What we deserved, let's not kid ourselves.

My sister and I went to see 28 Days Later, and we were the only ones in the theater for about an hour into the movie. Then this guy came in and sat in the row in front of us and, uh, I think he may have pulled the ol' popcorn trick on himself. It was weird. But we paid $7 apiece for those damn tickets, so we decided

Why doesn't poor Bryan get any? I mean, he's there.

It's Maureen Stapleton in the unconventional-grandma-rides-a-Harley-cross-country movie she never finished.

Please don't shoot me.