
Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you (for too many hours a day for too many years).

Holy crap, I had no idea I could still sign in with this old-ass screen name. Kinda sucks I found this out on the day Kinja ate Disqus.

Haha, old Arli$$. That was… well, that was a show, wasn't it? It sure was.

Oh, Burl. You're a delight.

Meeseeks are not born into this world fumbling for meaning, Jerry!

It's more like a collective "Oooooooh", because it is on.

Yeah, it seems that way. I can't remember where I read it now, but there's an interview with him where he's just torturing the reporter with short "yessir" and "no sir" answers, and the reporter is trying everything he knows to get Goodman to elaborate and be amiable, but Goodman is having none of it. It's painful.

Alcopheliac's scorin' off me. Time to go home.

A show about a fucked up family with dark secrets? Count me in.

Uh… uh… um… MAGNOLIA!

Oooh, birds, birds, birds! Don't you hate that when you're stoned?

I laughed at that until I cried a little. Oh, man. Me and this show. Forever and ever. For a hundred years. Me and this show.com

"Give it a try." I think that's my favorite scene in the movie.

This was a fantastic read, Will. I'd love to share tobacco with this guy.

That's the favorite in our family. Only you have to say it like you're in the middle of getting a hernia, like the Old Man.

I'm sorry.

It's the candy you leave at the bottom of the Hershey's variety bag with the Mr. Goodbars when you've eaten all of the good ones.

I've always found kangaroo to be the craziest of the meats.

If constantly smelling your hands in public is weird, I don't want to be un-weird.

I remember reading that book by candlelight during a blackout, and when I finished it, I thought maybe I should've just sat in the dark.