
When you're having sex with a psychopath, you should probably ask before you do something like that. Or maybe not even think of doing that at all. Or maybe not have sex with him in the first place. Or look in his general direction.

Preparation, preparation, preparation.

Mmmm, sad!

I like to think Pippet ate the Kintner boy and then the shark ate Pippet.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus ,

Was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte. Just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bomb.

Wait, are you saying Elliott Gould wasn't a looker? I'm afraid I must disagree, sir.

Ryan O'Neal was a 70s wuss? Huh. I thought he was supposed to be a scumbag on and off screen.

It took me forever to realize what you're doing.

It was there in the Schrader garage that Walter, Hank, and Jesse christened themselves the Gomads.

@avclub-664039300563ec7e08ded6cc14df0421:disqus ,

@avclub-daeea03756fb26640b2c12493f0b08d5:disqus ,

It's hard to pucker when you have no lips, looks like.

Bruce Dern should be the cattle rustler in the remake. He can do it.

But look at the cool thing he's doing with his hands. Rethink this.

My grandpa looked like Gene Hackman. I think that's probably partly why I like Gene Hackman so much.

I love the name Wynn Duffy so much. It sounds like a southern supermarket chain.

It is, and I love how Adams can barely contain his laughter. I wonder if it was intentional to have Adams laugh, or if Titus Welliver just couldn't keep a straight face?

And you thought the Germans were classless pieces of shit.

You wanna go back to only making Elvis biopics? Is that what you want? Huh?