
I want butterscotch pudding now. I know, disgusting, right? Nobody look at me.

The Edge is bald?! MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE.

Meth sweats and decaying teeth in the special editions.

@avclub-f8523a7e392b7ab306239f511fd75280:disqus  ,

Re: Hank and Jesse teaming up

Fruitbat and Beanpole Steve, I think it is.

Doesn't language happen everywhere?

You forgot the question mark.

Same, except in my case replace Maggie with Rick.

Is that what the kids are into these days? Ethan Hawke? Or is "Ethan Hawke" the "street name" for soaking tampons in alcohol and sticking them up your butt to get drunk faster?

You really need some iron in your diet, Elegant Victorian Lady! And maybe quit powdering your face and (please try not to faint) decolletage with lead oxide.

The medieval remake is known for its grog scene.

Too mean.

US Sends Kardashians to England, Starts World War III

France just called and said fuck you, send zem to Portugal.

lol im from 1980s an i still cry stfu

Maybe you're the guy NephewofAnarchy is talking about.

Remember that time Clay settled for a blowjob from a stripper because he didn't want to cheat on Gemma? Clearly you are unfamiliar with the concept of kindness.

Nah, that would be Talking Cocksuckers.

He also thought moving the air fresheners next to the cash register was a bad idea.