Dread Ninja Roberts

It wasn't super common, but I'd heard it back then.

I saw it in the theater with a group of people because it was a friend's birthday. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected or people here make it out to be. If you go into it with low expectations you might enjoy it.

I taught at the little college there way back when. Does George Clinton (of Parliament/Funkadelic fame) still live there?

Pining? He's passed on!

Disney "casts" cast members rather than hiring employees so that they can take advantages of loopholes in the labor laws. There is no issue with discrimination if you are casting for a part.

The ad they ran tonight looked quite good.

Like communism?

A red herring? Like communism?

My interpretation was that they were going to do it doggie style and he put it into a hole she wasn't expecting him to.


Garfunkel and Oates wrote a song about that exact situation.
"The Loophole", (aka Fuck me in the Ass because I love Jesus).

It struck me that the Lost World book was written as a sequel to the Jurassic Park film rather than to the book. It certainly maintains better continuity with the film in terms of major points like the killing of Ian Malcolm.

I'm in SoCal and my experience since becoming single about a year ago is 3 with bush to 1 without.

I stayed with my high school girlfriend till I was 22 and then went off to graduate school. Since my dating pool was other graduate students I ended up dating a 27 year old, a 30 year old and a 29 year old. I ended up getting married a couple of years later but got divorced at 39. Then the first two women I was

I just had a horrible vision of the Justified writers going full Dexter on us. Tim and Rachel get married but then Tim decides to open up a restaurant, etc.

I saw the reunion of Jane's Addiction at the second Coachella festival and it was on of the top 3 shows of my life.

You'll make a great pet.

The body was never shrunk, the submarine was. So there would be no cause for the liquid to expand. Pam got larger when restored.

I'm commandeering this fabulous airboat!

Send the wolves to Belize.